Re: [RFC PATCH 0/4] Updates for CXL Event Records

From: Alison Schofield
Date: Wed Oct 16 2024 - 17:01:40 EST

On Wed, Oct 16, 2024 at 05:33:45PM +0100, shiju.jose@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> From: Shiju Jose <shiju.jose@xxxxxxxxxx>
> CXL spec rev 3.1 CXL Event Records has updated w.r.t CXL spec rev 3.0.
> Add updates for the above spec changes in the CXL events records and CXL
> trace events implementation.
> Note: Please apply following fix patch first if not present.
> Shiju Jose (4):
> cxl/events: Updates for CXL Common Event Record Format
> cxl/events: Updates for CXL General Media Event Record
> cxl/events: Updates for CXL DRAM Event Record
> cxl/events: Updates for CXL Memory Module Event Record

Thanks, this looks useful! I didn't review line by line but do
have some feedback before for a v1:

- Suggest being more explicit in the commit msg(s). Something like:
cxl/events: Update Common Event Record to CXL spec 3.1

- I was a bit surprised that this doesn't simply append new fields
to the TP_printk() output. Is there some reason for that?

- How about updating the mock of these events to include these new
fields. I don't think this introduces any new formats, but I would
certainly eyeball all 3: dmesg tp_printk, trace file, and monitor
output because all 3 (sadly) present a bit differently.

-- Alison

> drivers/cxl/core/trace.h | 201 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
> include/cxl/event.h | 20 +++-
> 2 files changed, 190 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
> --
> 2.34.1