Re: [PATCH 3/3] arm64: dts: qcom: x1e80100-qcp: Add WiFi/BT pwrseq

From: Mark Brown
Date: Thu Oct 17 2024 - 06:59:53 EST

On Thu, Oct 17, 2024 at 11:28:18AM +0200, Bartosz Golaszewski wrote:

> How do others deal with it? I'm asking because I've been seeing these
> warnings for years on many platforms which makes me think they are not
> a high priority for anyone.

> The best approach would be to provide an optional bulk get for the
> regulator API. Or extend struct regulator_bulk_data with bool optional
> and take this into account.

> Mark: Any thoughts on this?

Fix your driver to request the supplies that actually exist on the
device rather than just some random supplies you hope will work?

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