[PATCH v5 3/7] perf stat: Display "none" for NaN with metric only json

From: Ian Rogers
Date: Thu Oct 17 2024 - 13:54:50 EST

Return earlier for an empty unit case. If snprintf of the fmt doesn't
produce digits between vals and ends, as happens with NaN, make the
value "none" as happens in print_metric_end.

Signed-off-by: Ian Rogers <irogers@xxxxxxxxxx>
tools/perf/util/stat-display.c | 11 +++++++----
1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/perf/util/stat-display.c b/tools/perf/util/stat-display.c
index ef0ca8cd802d..a137b377efa4 100644
--- a/tools/perf/util/stat-display.c
+++ b/tools/perf/util/stat-display.c
@@ -610,19 +610,22 @@ static void print_metric_only_json(struct perf_stat_config *config __maybe_unuse
struct outstate *os = ctx;
FILE *out = os->fh;
- char buf[64], *vals, *ends;
+ char buf[64], *ends;
char tbuf[1024];
+ const char *vals;

if (!valid_only_metric(unit))
unit = fixunit(tbuf, os->evsel, unit);
+ if (!unit[0])
+ return;
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt ?: "", val);
- ends = vals = skip_spaces(buf);
+ vals = ends = skip_spaces(buf);
while (isdigit(*ends) || *ends == '.')
*ends = 0;
- if (!unit[0] || !vals[0])
- return;
+ if (!vals[0])
+ vals = "none";
fprintf(out, "%s\"%s\" : \"%s\"", os->first ? "" : ", ", unit, vals);
os->first = false;