Re: [PATCH v9 7/7] arm64: dts: mediatek: mt8173-elm-hana: Mark touchscreens and trackpads as fail
From: Doug Anderson
Date: Thu Oct 17 2024 - 17:18:53 EST
On Thu, Oct 17, 2024 at 2:42 AM Chen-Yu Tsai <wenst@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Instead of having them all available, mark them all as "fail-needs-probe"
> and have the implementation try to probe which one is present.
> Also remove the shared resource workaround by moving the pinctrl entry
> for the trackpad interrupt line back into the individual trackpad nodes.
It could be worth noting in the description that it's a really bad
idea to pick this patch if you don't also have the patch
("platform/chrome: Introduce device tree hardware prober").
> @@ -35,6 +37,7 @@ touchscreen@40 {
> hid-descr-addr = <0x0001>;
> interrupt-parent = <&pio>;
> interrupts = <88 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
> + status = "fail-needs-probe";
It's a little weird that there's no pinctrl definition for the
touchscreens but there is one for the trackpad, but that predates your
patch and is unlikely to be a big deal.
> };
> };
> @@ -47,6 +50,8 @@ &i2c4 {
> trackpad2: trackpad@2c {
> compatible = "hid-over-i2c";
> interrupts-extended = <&pio 117 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
> + pinctrl-names = "default";
> + pinctrl-0 = <&trackpad_irq>;
> reg = <0x2c>;
I should have noticed before, but officially the order above is
slightly off. According to:
The "reg" property should be higher (right after compatible). It's not
a new problem with your patch but since you're inserting a new
property you might as well match the new dts style.
In any case, nothing is a huge deal.
Reviewed-by: Douglas Anderson <dianders@xxxxxxxxxxxx>