Re: [PATCH -next] posix-clock: Fix missing put_clock_desc()

From: Anna-Maria Behnsen
Date: Fri Oct 18 2024 - 05:12:27 EST


Jinjie Ruan <ruanjinjie@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> After get_clock_desc(), it should call put_clock_desc()
> if timespec64_valid_strict() check fails, put it ahead to avoid this.

Can you please rewrite the commit message so that it uses full sentences
and shortly explain the problem why get/put pair is required here? For
the subject I would propose to change it to: "posix-clock: Fix
unbalanced locking in pc_clock_settime()'.

The patch is no longer against next, as the change is already part of
linus tree.

The change itself looks good.

