Re: [PATCH v4 1/2] dt-bindings: arm: Add device-name in the coresight components

From: Suzuki K Poulose
Date: Fri Oct 18 2024 - 06:22:14 EST

On 24/07/2024 20:13, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
On 03/07/2024 14:23, Mao Jinlong wrote:
Current name of coresight component's folder consists of prefix of
the device and the id in the device list. When run 'ls' command,
we can get the register address of the device. Take CTI for example,
if we want to set the config for modem CTI, but we can't know which
CTI is modem CTI from all current information.

cti_sys0 -> ../../../devices/platform/soc@0/138f0000.cti/cti_sys0
cti_sys1 -> ../../../devices/platform/soc@0/13900000.cti/cti_sys1

Add device-name in device tree which can provide a better description
of the coresight device. It can provide the info like the system or
HW it belongs to.

Signed-off-by: Mao Jinlong <quic_jinlmao@xxxxxxxxxxx>
.../devicetree/bindings/arm/arm,coresight-cti.yaml | 6 ++++++
.../devicetree/bindings/arm/arm,coresight-dummy-source.yaml | 6 ++++++
.../devicetree/bindings/arm/arm,coresight-stm.yaml | 6 ++++++
.../devicetree/bindings/arm/qcom,coresight-tpdm.yaml | 6 ++++++
4 files changed, 24 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/arm/arm,coresight-cti.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/arm/arm,coresight-cti.yaml
index 2d5545a2b49c..6a73eaa66a42 100644
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/arm/arm,coresight-cti.yaml
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/arm/arm,coresight-cti.yaml
@@ -98,6 +98,12 @@ properties:
maxItems: 1
+ arm,cs-dev-name:
+ $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/string
+ description:
+ Define the name which can describe what kind of HW or system the
+ coresight device belongs to.

Don't we use already label for such cases? Power domains, input, leds,
panels, IIO, hwmon and more.

We do and if we can get hold of them, that would be ideal. but do we get them in the binary DT blob ? At least I couldn't see them on my Juno


Best regards,