[PATCH 0/2] Drivers: hv: vmbus: Wait for offers and log missing offers
From: Naman Jain
Date: Fri Oct 18 2024 - 07:58:28 EST
After VM requests for channel offers during boot or resume from
hibernation, host offers the available channels and then sends a
separate message when all offers are delivered. Wait for this
message to make this offers request and receipt process synchronous.
This is to support user mode (VTL0) in OpenHCL (A Linux based
paravisor for Confidential VMs) to ensure that all channel offers
are present when init begins in VTL0, and it knows which channels
the host has offered and which it has not.
This is in analogy to a PCI bus not returning from probe until it has
scanned all devices on the bus.
As part of this implementation, some code cleanup is also done for the
logic which becomes redundant due to this change.
Second patch prints the channels which are not offered when resume
happens from hibernation to supply more information to the end user.
John Starks (1):
Drivers: hv: vmbus: Log on missing offers
Naman Jain (1):
Drivers: hv: vmbus: Wait for offers during boot
drivers/hv/channel_mgmt.c | 38 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
drivers/hv/connection.c | 4 ++--
drivers/hv/hyperv_vmbus.h | 14 +++-----------
drivers/hv/vmbus_drv.c | 30 +++++++++++++++---------------
4 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)