Re: [PATCH 4/5][next] uapi: net: arp: Avoid -Wflex-array-member-not-at-end warnings

From: Gustavo A. R. Silva
Date: Fri Oct 18 2024 - 14:55:40 EST

These are clearly UAPI files. It would be good to state in the commit
message why this is a safe change, at the source level.

Yes, I'll update it!

I think we can avoid complicating UAPI by doing something like this in

#ifdef __KERNEL__
#define __kernel_sockaddr_legacy sockaddr_legacy
#define __kernel_sockaddr_legacy sockaddr

And then the UAPI changes can use __kernel_sockaddr_legacy and userspace
will resolve to sockaddr (unchanged), and the kernel internals will
resolve to sockaddr_legacy (fixing the warnings).

Here are a couple of test patches (Don't mind the changelog text):

__kernel_sockaddr_legacy seems a bit too long, but at the same time
it makes it quite clear what's going on.
