[PATCH] RAS/AMD/ATL: Add debug prints for DF register reads

From: Yazen Ghannam
Date: Mon Oct 21 2024 - 11:22:25 EST

The ATL will fail early if the DF register access fails due to missing
PCI IDs in the amd_nb code. There aren't any clear indicators on why the
ATL will fail to load in this case.

Add a couple of debug print statements to highlight reasons for failure.

A common scenario is missing support for new hardware. If the ATL fails
to load on a system, and there is interest to support it, then dynamic
debugging can be enabled to help find the cause for failure. If there is
no interest in supporting ATL on a new system, then these failures will
be silent.

Signed-off-by: Yazen Ghannam <yazen.ghannam@xxxxxxx>
drivers/ras/amd/atl/access.c | 8 ++++++--
1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/ras/amd/atl/access.c b/drivers/ras/amd/atl/access.c
index ee4661ed28ba..c2334f8f9add 100644
--- a/drivers/ras/amd/atl/access.c
+++ b/drivers/ras/amd/atl/access.c
@@ -70,12 +70,16 @@ static int __df_indirect_read(u16 node, u8 func, u16 reg, u8 instance_id, u32 *l
u32 ficaa = 0;

node = get_accessible_node(node);
- if (node >= amd_nb_num())
+ if (node >= amd_nb_num()) {
+ pr_debug("Node %u is out of bounds\n", node);
goto out;
+ }

F4 = node_to_amd_nb(node)->link;
- if (!F4)
+ if (!F4) {
+ pr_debug("DF function 4 not found\n");
goto out;
+ }

/* Enable instance-specific access. */
if (instance_id != DF_BROADCAST) {