Re: (subset) [PATCH RFC v3 00/10] extensible syscalls: CHECK_FIELDS to allow for easier feature detection

From: Aleksa Sarai
Date: Mon Oct 21 2024 - 17:38:55 EST

On 2024-10-21, Christian Brauner <brauner@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Oct 2024 07:40:33 +1100, Aleksa Sarai wrote:
> > This is something that I've been thinking about for a while. We had a
> > discussion at LPC 2020 about this[1] but the proposals suggested there
> > never materialised.
> >
> > In short, it is quite difficult for userspace to detect the feature
> > capability of syscalls at runtime. This is something a lot of programs
> > want to do, but they are forced to create elaborate scenarios to try to
> > figure out if a feature is supported without causing damage to the
> > system. For the vast majority of cases, each individual feature also
> > needs to be tested individually (because syscall results are
> > all-or-nothing), so testing even a single syscall's feature set can
> > easily inflate the startup time of programs.
> >
> > [...]
> I think the copy_struct_to_user() is useful especially now that we'll gain
> another user with pidfd_info.

Once we start extending pidfd_info, it might be necessary to add some
more helpers to make it easier to figure out what bits to set in the
returned request mask.

> ---
> Applied to the vfs.usercopy branch of the vfs/vfs.git tree.
> Patches in the vfs.usercopy branch should appear in linux-next soon.
> Please report any outstanding bugs that were missed during review in a
> new review to the original patch series allowing us to drop it.
> It's encouraged to provide Acked-bys and Reviewed-bys even though the
> patch has now been applied. If possible patch trailers will be updated.
> Note that commit hashes shown below are subject to change due to rebase,
> trailer updates or similar. If in doubt, please check the listed branch.
> tree:
> branch: vfs.usercopy
> [01/10] uaccess: add copy_struct_to_user helper
> [02/10] sched_getattr: port to copy_struct_to_user

Aleksa Sarai
Senior Software Engineer (Containers)
SUSE Linux GmbH

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