Re: [PATCH 2/2] interconnect: qcom: Add interconnect provider driver for SM8750

From: Krzysztof Kozlowski
Date: Tue Oct 22 2024 - 00:17:20 EST

On 22/10/2024 01:18, Melody Olvera wrote:
> From: Raviteja Laggyshetty <quic_rlaggysh@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Introduce SM8750 interconnect provider driver using the interconnect
> framework.
> Signed-off-by: Raviteja Laggyshetty <quic_rlaggysh@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Signed-off-by: Melody Olvera <quic_molvera@xxxxxxxxxxx>


> +
> +static struct qcom_icc_node *cnoc_cfg_nodes[] = {
> + [MASTER_CNOC_CFG] = &qsm_cfg,
> + [SLAVE_AHB2PHY_SOUTH] = &qhs_ahb2phy0,
> + [SLAVE_AHB2PHY_NORTH] = &qhs_ahb2phy1,
> + [SLAVE_CAMERA_CFG] = &qhs_camera_cfg,
> + [SLAVE_CLK_CTL] = &qhs_clk_ctl,
> + [SLAVE_CRYPTO_0_CFG] = &qhs_crypto0_cfg,
> + [SLAVE_DISPLAY_CFG] = &qhs_display_cfg,
> + [SLAVE_EVA_CFG] = &qhs_eva_cfg,
> + [SLAVE_GFX3D_CFG] = &qhs_gpuss_cfg,
> + [SLAVE_I2C] = &qhs_i2c,
> + [SLAVE_I3C_IBI0_CFG] = &qhs_i3c_ibi0_cfg,
> + [SLAVE_I3C_IBI1_CFG] = &qhs_i3c_ibi1_cfg,
> + [SLAVE_IMEM_CFG] = &qhs_imem_cfg,
> + [SLAVE_CNOC_MSS] = &qhs_mss_cfg,
> + [SLAVE_PCIE_CFG] = &qhs_pcie_cfg,
> + [SLAVE_PRNG] = &qhs_prng,
> + [SLAVE_QDSS_CFG] = &qhs_qdss_cfg,
> + [SLAVE_QSPI_0] = &qhs_qspi,
> + [SLAVE_QUP_3] = &qhs_qup02,
> + [SLAVE_QUP_1] = &qhs_qup1,
> + [SLAVE_QUP_2] = &qhs_qup2,
> + [SLAVE_SDCC_2] = &qhs_sdc2,
> + [SLAVE_SDCC_4] = &qhs_sdc4,
> + [SLAVE_SPSS_CFG] = &qhs_spss_cfg,
> + [SLAVE_TCSR] = &qhs_tcsr,
> + [SLAVE_TLMM] = &qhs_tlmm,
> + [SLAVE_UFS_MEM_CFG] = &qhs_ufs_mem_cfg,
> + [SLAVE_USB3_0] = &qhs_usb3_0,
> + [SLAVE_VENUS_CFG] = &qhs_venus_cfg,
> + [SLAVE_VSENSE_CTRL_CFG] = &qhs_vsense_ctrl_cfg,
> + [SLAVE_CNOC_MNOC_CFG] = &qss_mnoc_cfg,
> + [SLAVE_PCIE_ANOC_CFG] = &qss_pcie_anoc_cfg,
> + [SLAVE_QDSS_STM] = &xs_qdss_stm,
> + [SLAVE_TCU] = &xs_sys_tcu_cfg,
> +};
> +
> +static struct qcom_icc_desc sm8750_cnoc_cfg = {

This is some downstream code. Please use upstream, e.g. sm8550 or
sm8650, as template for new drivers. Otherwise we need to fix or review
exactly the same things which we fixed months ago.

> + .nodes = cnoc_cfg_nodes,
> + .num_nodes = ARRAY_SIZE(cnoc_cfg_nodes),
> + .bcms = cnoc_cfg_bcms,
> + .num_bcms = ARRAY_SIZE(cnoc_cfg_bcms),
> +};
> +

Best regards,