Re: [PATCH v1 04/10] media: platform: mediatek: add isp_7x cam-raw unit

From: CK Hu (胡俊光)
Date: Tue Oct 22 2024 - 02:15:40 EST

Hi, Shu-hsiang:

On Wed, 2024-10-09 at 19:15 +0800, Shu-hsiang Yang wrote:
> Introduces the ISP pipeline driver for the MediaTek ISP raw and yuv
> modules. Key functionalities include data processing, V4L2 integration,
> resource management, debug support, and various control operations.
> Additionally, IRQ handling, platform device management, and MediaTek
> ISP DMA format support are also included.
> Signed-off-by: Shu-hsiang Yang <Shu-hsiang.Yang@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> ---


> +static bool mtk_cam_raw_resource_calc(struct mtk_cam_device *cam,
> + struct mtk_cam_resource_config *res,
> + s64 pixel_rate, int res_plan,
> + int in_w, int in_h, int *out_w, int *out_h)
> +{
> + int res_step_type = 0;
> + int tgo_pxl_mode = 1;
> + int pixel_mode[MTK_CAMSYS_RES_STEP_NUM] = {0};
> + int bin_temp = 0, frz_temp = 0, hwn_temp = 0;
> + int bin_en = 0, frz_en = 0, twin_en = 0, clk_cur = 0;
> + int idx = 0, clk_res = 0, idx_res = 0;
> + bool res_found = false;
> + int lb_chk_res = -1;
> + int frz_ratio = 100;
> + int p;
> +
> + res->res_plan = res_plan;
> + res->pixel_rate = pixel_rate;
> + /* test pattern */
> + if (res->pixel_rate == 0)
> + res->pixel_rate = 450 * MHz;
> + dev_dbg(cam->dev,
> + "[Res] PR = %lld, w/h=%d/%d HWN(%d)/BIN(%d)/FRZ(%d),Plan:%d\n",
> + res->pixel_rate, in_w, in_h,
> + res->hwn_limit_max, res->bin_limit, res->frz_limit, res->res_plan);
> +
> + memcpy(res->res_strategy, raw_resource_strategy_plan + res->res_plan,
> + MTK_CAMSYS_RES_STEP_NUM * sizeof(int));
> + res->bin_enable = 0;
> + res->raw_num_used = 1;
> + res->frz_enable = 0;
> + res->frz_ratio = frz_ratio;
> + for (idx = 0; idx < MTK_CAMSYS_RES_STEP_NUM ; idx++) {
> + res_step_type = res->res_strategy[idx] & MTK_CAMSYS_RES_IDXMASK;
> + switch (res_step_type) {
> + bin_temp = res->res_strategy[idx] - E_RES_BIN_S;
> + if (bin_temp <= res->bin_limit)
> + bin_en = bin_temp;
> + if (bin_en && frz_en)
> + frz_en = 0;
> + break;
> + frz_temp = res->res_strategy[idx] - E_RES_FRZ_S;
> + if (res->frz_limit < 100)
> + frz_en = frz_temp;
> + break;
> + hwn_temp = res->res_strategy[idx] - E_RES_HWN_S;
> + if (hwn_temp + 1 <= res->hwn_limit_max)
> + twin_en = hwn_temp;
> + break;
> + clk_cur = res->res_strategy[idx] - E_RES_CLK_S;
> + break;
> + default:
> + break;
> + }
> +
> + /* 1 for force bin on */
> + if (res->bin_limit >= 1)
> + bin_en = 1;
> +
> + if (res->hwn_limit_min > 1)
> + twin_en = 1;
> +
> + /* max line buffer check*/
> + lb_chk_res = mtk_raw_linebuf_chk(twin_en, res->bin_limit & BIN_ON,
> + frz_en, res->bin_limit & QBND_ON,
> + is_cbn_en(res->bin_limit),
> + in_w, &frz_ratio);
> + /* frz ratio*/
> + if (res_step_type == MTK_CAMSYS_RES_FRZ_TAG) {
> + res->frz_ratio = res->frz_limit < FRZ_PXLMODE_THRES ?
> + res->frz_limit : FRZ_PXLMODE_THRES;
> + }
> + /*try 1-pixel mode first*/
> + for (p = 1; p <= MTK_CAMSYS_PROC_DEFAULT_PIXELMODE; p++) {

MTK_CAMSYS_PROC_DEFAULT_PIXELMODE is 1, so this for-loop could be dropped.

> + tgo_pxl_mode = mtk_raw_pixelmode_calc(p, twin_en,
> + bin_en, frz_en,
> + res->frz_ratio);

mtk_raw_pixelmode_calc() would always return 1, so mtk_raw_pixelmode_calc() could be dropped.


> + /**
> + * isp throughput along resource strategy
> + * (compared with pixel rate)
> + */
> + pixel_mode[idx] = tgo_pxl_mode;
> +
> + /* only support 1-pixel mode */
> + if (p == 1 && lb_chk_res == LB_CHECK_OK) {
> + if (!res_found) {
> + res->bin_enable = bin_en;
> + res->frz_enable = frz_en;
> + res->raw_num_used = twin_en + 1;
> + clk_res = clk_cur;
> + idx_res = idx;
> + res_found = true;
> + break;
> + }
> + }
> + }
> + dev_dbg(cam->dev,
> + "Res-%d B/F/H/C=%d/%d/%d/%d -> %d/%d/%d/%d (%d)(%d)\n",
> + idx, bin_temp, frz_temp, hwn_temp, clk_cur, bin_en,
> + frz_en, twin_en, clk_cur, lb_chk_res, pixel_mode[idx]);
> + }
> +
> + tgo_pxl_mode = pixel_mode[idx_res];
> + switch (tgo_pxl_mode) {
> + case 1:
> + res->tgo_pxl_mode = 0;
> + break;
> + case 2:
> + res->tgo_pxl_mode = 1;
> + break;
> + case 4:
> + res->tgo_pxl_mode = 2;
> + break;
> + case 8:
> + res->tgo_pxl_mode = 3;
> + break;
> + default:
> + break;
> + }
> +
> + mtk_raw_update_debug_param(cam, res, &clk_res);
> +
> + if (res_found) {
> + dev_info(cam->dev,
> + "Res-end:%d BIN/FRZ/HWN/CLK/pxl=%d/%d(%d)/%d/%d/%d, clk:%d\n",
> + idx_res, res->bin_enable, res->frz_enable, res->frz_ratio,
> + res->raw_num_used, clk_res, res->tgo_pxl_mode,
> + res->clk_target);
> + } else {
> + dev_dbg(cam->dev, "[%s] Error resource result\n", __func__);
> + }
> + if (res->bin_enable) {
> + *out_w = in_w >> 1;
> + *out_h = in_h >> 1;
> + } else if (res->frz_enable) {
> + *out_w = in_w * res->frz_ratio / 100;
> + *out_h = in_h * res->frz_ratio / 100;
> + } else {
> + *out_w = in_w;
> + *out_h = in_h;
> + }
> +
> + return res_found;
> +}
> +