Re: [PATCH] arm64: dts: qcom: qcs615: Adds SPMI bus, PMIC and peripherals

From: Dmitry Baryshkov
Date: Tue Oct 22 2024 - 05:38:48 EST

On Tue, 22 Oct 2024 at 11:26, Tingguo Cheng <quic_tingguoc@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 10/14/2024 6:53 PM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
> > On Mon, Oct 14, 2024 at 06:08:17PM +0800, Tingguo Cheng wrote:
> >> Create a new file qcs615-pmic.dtsi to add on-board PMIC and peripher-
> >> als in the PMIC that controlled by SPMI bus. The peripherals include
> >> GPIO, RTC, PON, power key and resin-key for QCS615 platform. The power
> >> key and volume down key are controlled by PMIC PON hardware on QCS615.
> >
> > Why do you need a separate file? Unless there is a good reason such
> > configuration should be split between the pmic.dtsi and the board file.
> >
> One reason is that I use upstream as
> template(x1ee80100,sc8180x,sa8775p...), they all have
> platform-pmics.dtsi alongside.
> On the other hand, qcs615-pmic.dtsi contains only the PMIC's
> peripherals, creating a new file can eliminate duplicate code if there
> are any other new boards with pmm6155au as their PMIC(similar to
> x1e80100-lenovo-xxx/x1e80100-microsoft-xxxx, where "x1e80100-pmics.dtsi"
> has been included).

And this is pretty unique to those platforms and it exists mostly to
facilitate the case when a platform has several instances of the same
PMIC. In all other cases (mobile, IoT) usually there is just one
instance of the particular PMIC. In such a case pmic definitions go to
"pmABCDEF.dtsi" to be reused by the platform and then board DT can
include that file and wire it up according to the platform needs.

> > BTW, what is the PMIC id for pmm6155au? Is it a real PMIC or a version
> > of some other PMIC?
> >
> pmm6155au is the PMIC id(Silk scree). It's a real PMIC for qcs615.Maybe
> I should use the name qcs615-pmics.dtsi instead of qcs6150-pmic.dtsi to
> align with other platforms.

Is it the same thing as PM6150? Or is it a combo of PM6150 and PM6150L?

> >> Signed-off-by: Tingguo Cheng <quic_tingguoc@xxxxxxxxxxx>

With best wishes