Re: [PATCH v3 03/27] KVM: VMX: Add support for the secondary VM exit controls

From: Xin Li
Date: Tue Oct 22 2024 - 12:31:51 EST

_vmentry_control &= ~n_ctrl;
_vmexit_control &= ~x_ctrl;

w/ patch 4, VM_EXIT_ACTIVATE_SECONDARY_CONTROLS is cleared if FRED fails in the
consistent check. this means, all features in the secondary vm-exit controls
are removed. it is overkill.

Good catch!

I prefer to maintain a separate table for the secondary VM-exit controls:

struct {
u32 entry_control;
u64 exit2_control;
} const vmcs_entry_exit2_pairs[] = {

for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(vmcs_entry_exit2_pairs); i++) {

Hmm, I prefer one table, as it's more straight forward.

One table is fine if we can fix the issue and improve readability. The three
nested if() statements hurts readability.

You're right! Let's try to make it clearer.

I just thought using two tables would eliminate the need for any if() statements.

One more thing, IIUC, Sean prefers to keep
VM_EXIT_ACTIVATE_SECONDARY_CONTROLS set if it's allowed to be set and
even bits in the 2nd VM exit controls are all 0. I may be able to make
it simpler.