_vmentry_control &= ~n_ctrl;
_vmexit_control &= ~x_ctrl;
w/ patch 4, VM_EXIT_ACTIVATE_SECONDARY_CONTROLS is cleared if FRED fails in the
consistent check. this means, all features in the secondary vm-exit controls
are removed. it is overkill.
Good catch!
I prefer to maintain a separate table for the secondary VM-exit controls:
struct {
u32 entry_control;
u64 exit2_control;
} const vmcs_entry_exit2_pairs[] = {
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(vmcs_entry_exit2_pairs); i++) {
Hmm, I prefer one table, as it's more straight forward.
One table is fine if we can fix the issue and improve readability. The three
nested if() statements hurts readability.
I just thought using two tables would eliminate the need for any if() statements.