Re: [PATCH 1/5][next] net: dev: Introduce struct sockaddr_legacy

From: Gustavo A. R. Silva
Date: Tue Oct 22 2024 - 13:07:29 EST

+ * This is the legacy form of `struct sockaddr`. The original `struct sockaddr`
+ * was modified in commit b5f0de6df6dce ("net: dev: Convert sa_data to flexible
+ * array in struct sockaddR") due to the fact that "One of the worst offenders


The same typo? exists in the cover letter.

Thanks for catching this! :)


With it fixed,

Reviewed-by: Kuniyuki Iwashima <kuniyu@xxxxxxxxxx>

+ * of "fake flexible arrays" is struct sockaddr". This means that the original
+ * `char sa_data[14]` behaved as a flexible array at runtime, so a proper
+ * flexible-array member was introduced.
+ *
+ * This caused several flexible-array-in-the-middle issues:
+ *
+ *
+ * `struct sockaddr_legacy` replaces `struct sockaddr` in all instances where
+ * objects of this type do not appear at the end of composite structures.
+ */
+struct sockaddr_legacy {
+ sa_family_t sa_family; /* address family, AF_xxx */
+ char sa_data[14]; /* 14 bytes of protocol address */
struct linger {
int l_onoff; /* Linger active */
int l_linger; /* How long to linger for */