Re: [PATCH v2] perf check: Add sanitizer feature and use to avoid test failure
From: Ian Rogers
Date: Tue Oct 22 2024 - 13:40:06 EST
On Mon, Oct 21, 2024 at 10:41 PM Namhyung Kim <namhyung@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 17, 2024 at 10:56:27PM -0700, Ian Rogers wrote:
> > Sanitizer builds can break expectations for test disassembly,
> > particularly in the annotate test. Add features for the different
> > sanitizer options seen in the source tree. Use the added sanitizer
> > feature to skip the annotate test when sanitizers are in use.
> Can you please split the perf check changes from the test change?
> It's good to add an example output (of perf version --build-options)
> with new sanitizer features.
Okay, will split/add in v3.
> Also it might be helpful if you share how the test fails. I don't
> think the disasm format is changed. Then it probably missed to find
> the target symbol in the first 250 lines for some reason.
Sure, the reproduction is trivial, just add -fsanitize=address, so I'm
surprised you're not already seeing it:
$ perf test annotate -v
--- start ---
test child forked, pid 444258
68e8a0-68e96b l noploop
perf does have symbol 'noploop'
Basic perf annotate test
: 0 0x68e8a0 <noploop>:
0.00 : 68e8a0: pushq %rbp
0.00 : 68e8a1: movq %rsp, %rbp
0.00 : 68e8a4: subq $0x30, %rsp
0.00 : 68e8a8: movq %fs:0x28, %rax
0.00 : 68e8b1: movq %rax, -8(%rbp)
0.00 : 68e8b5: movl %edi, -0xc(%rbp)
0.00 : 68e8b8: movq %rsi, -0x18(%rbp)
0.00 : 68e8bc: movl $1, -0x1c(%rbp)
0.00 : 68e8c3: cmpl $0, -0xc(%rbp)
0.00 : 68e8c7: jle 0x68e8fe
0.00 : 68e8cd: movq -0x18(%rbp), %rax
0.00 : 68e8d1: movq %rax, -0x28(%rbp)
0.00 : 68e8d5: shrq $3, %rax
0.00 : 68e8d9: cmpb $0, 0x7fff8000(%rax)
0.00 : 68e8e0: je 0x68e8ef
0.00 : 68e8e6: movq -0x28(%rbp), %rdi
0.00 : 68e8ea: callq 0x2adea0
0.00 : 68e8ef: movq -0x28(%rbp), %rax
0.00 : 68e8f3: movq (%rax), %rdi
0.00 : 68e8f6: callq 0x28fac0
0.00 : 68e8fb: movl %eax, -0x1c(%rbp)
0.00 : 68e8fe: movl $2, %edi
0.00 : 68e903: leaq 0x66(%rip), %rsi # 68e970 <sighandler>
0.00 : 68e90a: callq 0x27e650
0.00 : 68e90f: movl $0xe, %edi
0.00 : 68e914: leaq 0x55(%rip), %rsi # 68e970 <sighandler>
0.00 : 68e91b: callq 0x27e650
0.00 : 68e920: movl -0x1c(%rbp), %edi
0.00 : 68e923: callq 0x2086e0
0.03 : 68e928: movl 0x18aca72(%rip), %eax #
1f3b3a0 <buildid_dir+0xa0>
0.00 : 68e92e: cmpl $0, %eax
0.00 : 68e931: setne %al
50.02 : 68e934: xorb $0xff, %al
0.00 : 68e936: testb $1, %al
41.28 : 68e938: jne 0x68e943
0.00 : 68e93e: jmp 0x68e948
8.67 : 68e943: jmp 0x68e928
0.00 : 68e948: movq %fs:0x28, %rax
0.00 : 68e951: movq -8(%rbp), %rcx
0.00 : 68e955: cmpq %rcx, %rax
0.00 : 68e958: jne 0x68e966
0.00 : 68e95e: xorl %eax, %eax
0.00 : 68e960: addq $0x30, %rsp
0.00 : 68e964: popq %rbp
0.00 : 68e965: retq
0.00 : 68e966: callq 0x2086f0
0.00 : 2d6910: endbr64
0.00 : 2d6914: pushq %rbp
0.00 : 2d6915: pushq %r15
0.00 : 2d6917: pushq %r14
0.00 : 2d6919: pushq %r13
0.00 : 2d691b: pushq %r12
0.00 : 2d691d: pushq %rbx
0.00 : 2d691e: subq $0x48, %rsp
0.00 : 2d6922: movq %rdx, 0x20(%rsp)
0.00 : 2d6927: movq %r8, 0x30(%rsp)
0.00 : 2d692c: leal -1(%r8), %eax
0.00 : 2d6930: cmpl $2, %eax
0.00 : 2d6933: jae 0x2d6b2c
0.00 : 2d6939: movq %rsi, %r9
0.00 : 2d693c: movq %rdi, %r12
0.00 : 2d693f: cmpb $0, 0x1c5f99c(%rip) # 1f362e2
0.00 : 2d6946: movl $8, %eax
0.00 : 2d694b: movl $1, %ebx
0.00 : 2d6950: cmoveq %rax, %rbx
0.00 : 2d6954: cmpb $0, 0x1c5f989(%rip) # 1f362e4
0.00 : 2d695b: movq %rsi, 0x28(%rsp)
0.00 : 2d6960: je 0x2d697e
0.00 : 2d6962: leaq 0x8e9708(%rip), %rdi
0.00 : 2d6969: movq %rcx, %rsi
0.00 : 2d696c: movq %r12, %rdx
0.00 : 2d696f: movq %r9, %rcx
0.00 : 2d6972: xorl %eax, %eax
0.00 : 2d6974: callq 0x2c18c0
0.00 : 2d6979: movq 0x28(%rsp), %r9
0.00 : 2d697e: leaq -1(%rbx), %rax
0.00 : 2d6982: andq %r12, %rax
0.00 : 2d6985: leaq (%rbx, %r12), %r13
0.00 : 2d6989: subq %rax, %r13
0.00 : 2d698c: testq %rax, %rax
0.00 : 2d698f: cmoveq %r12, %r13
0.00 : 2d6993: leaq 8(%r13), %rax
0.00 : 2d6997: cmpq %r9, %rax
0.00 : 2d699a: jbe 0x2d69ab
0.00 : 2d699c: addq $0x48, %rsp
0.00 : 2d69a0: popq %rbx
0.00 : 2d69a1: popq %r12
0.00 : 2d69a3: popq %r13
0.00 : 2d69a5: popq %r14
0.00 : 2d69a7: popq %r15
0.00 : 2d69a9: popq %rbp
0.00 : 2d69aa: retq
0.00 : 2d69ab: movabsq $0x7fffffffbfff, %r15
0.00 : 2d69b5: leaq 0x40(%rsp), %rbp
0.00 : 2d69ba: movq %r12, 0x38(%rsp)
0.00 : 2d69bf: jmp 0x2d69ea
0.00 : 2d69c1: nopw %cs:(%rax, %rax)
0.00 : 2d69d0: movq 0x38(%rsp), %r12
0.00 : 2d69d5: movq 0x28(%rsp), %r9
0.00 : 2d69da: leaq (%rbx, %r13), %rax
0.00 : 2d69de: addq $8, %rax
0.00 : 2d69e2: addq %rbx, %r13
0.00 : 2d69e5: cmpq %r9, %rax
0.00 : 2d69e8: ja 0x2d699c
0.00 : 2d69ea: movq (%r13), %r14
0.00 : 2d69ee: leaq -0x4000(%r14), %rax
0.00 : 2d69f5: cmpq %r15, %rax
55.45 : 2d69f8: ja 0x2d69da
0.00 : 2d69fa: movq %r14, %rdi
44.55 : 2d69fd: callq 0x20df90
0.00 : 2d6a02: movq %rax, 0x18(%rsp)
0.00 : 2d6a07: testq %rax, %rax
0.00 : 2d6a0a: je 0x2d69d5
0.00 : 2d6a0c: cmpq %r12, %rax
0.00 : 2d6a0f: je 0x2d69d5
0.00 : 2d6a11: movq %rbp, %r12
0.00 : 2d6a14: movq %rbp, %rdi
0.00 : 2d6a17: movq %rax, %rsi
0.00 : 2d6a1a: callq 0x20e190
0.00 : 2d6a1f: movq %rbp, %rdi
0.00 : 2d6a22: callq 0x20e1d0
0.00 : 2d6a27: cmpl $2, %eax
0.00 : 2d6a2a: je 0x2d69d0
0.00 : 2d6a2c: movq %rbp, %rdi
0.00 : 2d6a2f: callq 0x20e1d0
0.00 : 2d6a34: cmpl $3, %eax
0.00 : 2d6a37: je 0x2d69d0
0.00 : 2d6a39: cmpb $0, 0x1c5f8a3(%rip) # 1f362e3
0.00 : 2d6a40: jne 0x2d6aab
0.00 : 2d6a42: movq %r13, %rdi
0.00 : 2d6a45: callq 0x2a9030
0.00 : 2d6a4a: testb %al, %al
0.00 : 2d6a4c: je 0x2d6aab
0.00 : 2d6a4e: cmpb $0, 0x1c5f88f(%rip) # 1f362e4
0.00 : 2d6a55: je 0x2d69d0
0.00 : 2d6a5b: movq 0x18(%rsp), %rax
0.00 : 2d6a60: movq %rax, 8(%rsp)
0.00 : 2d6a65: movq %rbp, %r12
0.00 : 2d6a68: movq %rbp, %rdi
0.00 : 2d6a6b: callq 0x20e210
0.00 : 2d6a70: movq 8(%rsp), %rcx
0.00 : 2d6a75: addq %rcx, %rax
0.00 : 2d6a78: movq %rax, 0x10(%rsp)
0.00 : 2d6a7d: movq %rbp, %rdi
0.00 : 2d6a80: callq 0x20e210
0.00 : 2d6a85: leaq 0x8e95ff(%rip), %rdi
0.00 : 2d6a8c: movq %r13, %rsi
0.00 : 2d6a8f: movq %r14, %rdx
0.00 : 2d6a92: movq 8(%rsp), %rcx
0.00 : 2d6a97: movq 0x10(%rsp), %r8
0.00 : 2d6a9c: movq %rax, %r9
0.00 : 2d6a9f: xorl %eax, %eax
0.00 : 2d6aa1: callq 0x2c18c0
0.00 : 2d6aa6: jmp 0x2d69d0
0.00 : 2d6aab: movq %rbp, %r12
0.00 : 2d6aae: movq %rbp, %rdi
0.00 : 2d6ab1: movq 0x30(%rsp), %rsi
0.00 : 2d6ab6: callq 0x20e1f0
0.00 : 2d6abb: cmpb $0, 0x1c5f822(%rip) # 1f362e4
0.00 : 2d6ac2: je 0x2d6b0c
0.00 : 2d6ac4: movq 0x18(%rsp), %rax
0.00 : 2d6ac9: movq %rax, 8(%rsp)
0.00 : 2d6ace: movq %r12, %rdi
0.00 : 2d6ad1: callq 0x20e210
0.00 : 2d6ad6: movq 8(%rsp), %rcx
0.00 : 2d6adb: addq %rcx, %rax
0.00 : 2d6ade: movq %rax, 0x10(%rsp)
0.00 : 2d6ae3: movq %r12, %rdi
0.00 : 2d6ae6: callq 0x20e210
0.00 : 2d6aeb: leaq 0x8e95dd(%rip), %rdi
0.00 : 2d6af2: movq %r13, %rsi
0.00 : 2d6af5: movq %r14, %rdx
0.00 : 2d6af8: movq 8(%rsp), %rcx
0.00 : 2d6afd: movq 0x10(%rsp), %r8
0.00 : 2d6b02: movq %rax, %r9
0.00 : 2d6b05: xorl %eax, %eax
0.00 : 2d6b07: callq 0x2c18c0
0.00 : 2d6b0c: cmpq $0, 0x20(%rsp)
0.00 : 2d6b12: je 0x2d69d0
0.00 : 2d6b18: movq 0x20(%rsp), %rdi
0.00 : 2d6b1d: leaq 0x18(%rsp), %rsi
0.00 : 2d6b22: callq 0x2b45a0
0.00 : 2d6b27: jmp 0x2d69d0
0.00 : 2d6b2c: leaq 0x8e94cf(%rip), %rdi
0.00 : 2d6b33: leaq 0x8e94fe(%rip), %rdx
0.00 : 2d6b3a: movl $0x128, %esi
0.00 : 2d6b3f: xorl %ecx, %ecx
0.00 : 2d6b41: xorl %r8d, %r8d
0.00 : 2d6b44: callq 0x2c77f0
0.00 : 9200: pushq %r15
0.00 : 9202: pushq %r14
0.00 : 9204: pushq %r13
0.00 : 9206: pushq %r12
0.00 : 9208: pushq %rbp
0.00 : 9209: pushq %rbx
0.00 : 920a: subq $0x88, %rsp
0.00 : 9211: movq %rdi, 8(%rsp)
0.00 : 9216: movl 8(%r9), %edi
0.00 : 921a: movq %r8, 0x20(%rsp)
0.00 : 921f: movq 0xc0(%rsp), %rbp
0.00 : 9227: movq %rdx, 0x28(%rsp)
0.00 : 922c: movq 0xd8(%rsp), %r8
0.00 : 9234: movq %rdi, %r10
0.00 : 9237: movq %rcx, 0x10(%rsp)
0.00 : 923c: movq 0xe8(%rsp), %r11
0.00 : 9244: movq (%r9), %r13
0.00 : 9247: movl %esi, %eax
0.00 : 9249: movl 0xe0(%rsp), %r9d
0.00 : 9251: movl %esi, %r15d
0.00 : 9254: shrl $6, %eax
0.00 : 9257: movq %r8, %r12
0.00 : 925a: movl %eax, 0x18(%rsp)
0.00 : 925e: andl $2, %r9d
0.00 : 9262: jmp 0x92ff
0.00 : 9267: nopw (%rax, %rax)
0.00 : 9270: movl 0x30c(%rbx), %edi
0.00 : 9276: testl %edi, %edi
0.00 : 9278: je 0x92f2
0.00 : 927a: movq 0x70(%rbx), %rax
0.00 : 927e: movl $0, 0x74(%rsp)
0.00 : 9286: movq $0, 0x78(%rsp)
0.00 : 928f: movq 8(%rax), %rsi
0.00 : 9293: xorl %eax, %eax
0.00 : 9295: testb $0x20, 0x336(%rbx)
0.00 : 929c: je 0x92a4
0.00 : 929e: movq (%rbx), %rax
0.00 : 92a1: addq %rax, %rsi
0.00 : 92a4: movq 0x68(%rbx), %rdx
0.00 : 92a8: addq 8(%rdx), %rax
0.00 : 92ac: movq 0x318(%rbx), %rdx
0.00 : 92b3: movq %rax, %r8
0.00 : 92b6: testq %rdx, %rdx
0.00 : 92b9: je 0x93b0
0.00 : 92bf: movl 0x314(%rbx), %ecx
0.00 : 92c5: movl 0x18(%rsp), %eax
13.66 : 92c9: andl 0x310(%rbx), %eax
16.28 : 92cf: movq (%rdx, %rax, 8), %rax
0.00 : 92d3: movl %r15d, %edx
0.00 : 92d6: shrl %cl, %edx
0.00 : 92d8: movl %edx, %ecx
0.00 : 92da: movq %rax, %rdx
Basic annotate [Failed: missing disasm output when specifying the target symbol]
---- end(-1) ----
77: perf annotate basic tests : FAILED!