Re: [PATCH v2] mm: mglru: provide a separate list for lazyfree anon folios
From: Minchan Kim
Date: Tue Oct 22 2024 - 16:15:22 EST
Hi Barry,
Sorry for slow response.
On Fri, Oct 18, 2024 at 06:12:01PM +1300, Barry Song wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 18, 2024 at 6:58 AM Minchan Kim <minchan@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, Oct 17, 2024 at 06:59:09PM +1300, Barry Song wrote:
> > > On Thu, Oct 17, 2024 at 11:58 AM Andrew Morton
> > > <akpm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > On Wed, 16 Oct 2024 16:30:30 +1300 Barry Song <21cnbao@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > To address this, this patch proposes maintaining a separate list
> > > > > for lazyfree anon folios while keeping them classified under the
> > > > > "file" LRU type to minimize code changes.
> > > >
> > > > Thanks. I'll await input from other MGLRU developers before adding
> > > > this for testing.
> > >
> > > Thanks!
> > >
> > > Hi Minchan, Yu,
> > >
> > > Any comments? I understand that Minchan may have a broader plan
> > > to "enable the system to maintain a quickly reclaimable memory
> > > pool and provide a knob for admins to control its size." While I
> > > have no objection to that plan, I believe improving MADV_FREE
> > > performance is a more urgent priority and a low-hanging fruit at this
> > > stage.
> >
> > Hi Barry,
> >
> > I have no idea why my email didn't send well before. I sent following
> > reply on Sep 24. Hope it works this time.
> Hi Minchan,
> I guess not. Your *this* email ended up in my spam folder of gmail, and
> my account still hasn’t received it. Any idea why?
In the end, that's my problem and don't know when it can be fixed.
Anyway, hope again this time works.
> >
> > ====== &< ======
> >
> > My proposal involves the following:
> >
> > 1. Introduce an "easily reclaimable" LRU list. This list would hold pages
> > that can be quickly freed without significant overhead.
> I assume you plan to keep both lazyfree anon pages and 'reclaimed'
> file folios (reclaimed in the normal LRU lists but still in the easily-
> reclaimable list) in this 'easily reclaimable' LRU list. However, I'm
> not sure this will work, as this patch aims to help reclaim lazyfree
> anon pages before file folios to reduce both file and anon refaults.
> If we place 'reclaimed' file folios and lazyfree anon folios in the
> same list, we may need to revisit how to reclaim lazyfree anon folios
> before reclaiming the 'reclaimed' file folios.
Those reclaimed folio was already *decision-made* but just couldn't due to
the *impelementation issue*. So, that's strong candidate to be reclaimed
as long as there is no access since then rather other candidates.
> >
> > 2. Implement a parameter to control the size of this list. This allows for
> > system tuning based on available memory and performance requirements.
> If we include only 'reclaimed' file folios in this 'easily
> reclaimable' LRU list, the
> parameter makes sense. However, if we also add lazyfree folios to the list, the
> parameter becomes less meaningful since we can't predict how many
> lazyfree anon folios user space might have. I still feel lazyfree anon folios
> are different with "reclaimed" file folios (I mean reclaimed from normal
> lists but still in 'easily-reclaimable' list).
I thought the ez-reclamable LRU doesn't need to be accurate since we can
put other folios later(e.g., fadvise_dontneed but couldn't at that time)
> >
> > 3. Modify kswapd behavior to utilize this list. When kswapd is awakened due
> > to memory pressure, it should attempt to drop those pages first to refill
> > free pages up to the high watermark by first reclaiming.
> >
> > 4. Before kswapd goes to sleep, it should scan the tail of the LRU list and
> > move cold pages to the easily reclaimable list, unmapping them from the
> > page table.
> >
> > 5. Whenever page cache hit, move the page into evictable LRU.
> >
> > This approach allows the system to maintain a pool of readily available
> > memory, mitigating the "aging" problem. The trade-off is the potential for
> > minor page faults and LRU movement ovehreads if these pages in ez_reclaimable
> > LRU are accessed again.
> I believe you're aware of an implementation from Samsung that uses
> cleancache. Although it was dropped from the mainline kernel, it still
> exists in the Android kernel. Samsung's rbincache, based on cleancache,
> maintains a reserved memory region for holding reclaimed file folios.
> Instead of LRU movement, rbincache uses memcpy to transfer data between
> the pool and the page cache.
> >
> > Furthermore, we could put some asynchrnous writeback pages(e.g., swap
> > out or writeback the fs pages) into the list, too.
> > Currently, what we are doing is rotate those pages back to head of LRU
> > and once writeback is done, move the page to the tail of LRU again.
> > We can simply put the page into ez_reclaimable LRU without rotating
> > back and forth.
> If this is about establishing a pool of easily reclaimable file folios, I
> fully support the idea and am eager to try it, especially for Android,
> where there are certainly strong use cases. However, I suspect it may
> be controversial and could take months to gain acceptance. Therefore,
> I’d prefer we first focus on landing a smaller change to address the
> madv_free performance issue and treat that idea as a separate
> incremental patch set.
I don't want to block the improvement, Barry.
The reason I suggested another LRU was actullay to prevent divergent
between MGLRU and split-LRU and show the same behavior introducing
additional logic in the central place.
I don't think that's desire that a usespace hint showed different
priority depending on admin config.
Personally, I belive that would be better to introudce a knob to
change MADV_FREE's behavior for both LRU algorithms at the same time
instead of only one even though we will see the LRU inversion issue.
> My current patch specifically targets the issue of reclaiming lazyfree
> anon folios before reclaiming file folios. It appears your proposal is
> independent (though related) work, and I don't believe it should delay
> resolving the madv_free issue. Additionally, that pool doesn’t effectively
> address the reclamation priority between files and lazyfree anon folios.
> In conclusion:
> 1. I agree that the pool is valuable, and I’d like to develop it as an
> incremental patch set. However, this is a significant step that will
> require considerable time.
> 2. It could be quite tricky to include both lazyfree anon folios and
> reclaimed file folios (which are reclaimed in normal lists but not in
> the 'easily-reclaimable' list) in the same LRU list. I’d prefer to
> start by replacing Samsung's rbincache to reduce file folio I/O if we
> decide to implement the pool.
> 3. I believe we should first focus on landing this fix patch for the
> madv_free performance issue.
> What are your thoughts? I spoke with Yu, and he would like to hear
> your opinion.
Sure, I don't want to block any improvement but please think one more
one more about my concern and just go with your ideas if everyone
except me don't concern it.
Thank you.