Re: [PATCH v3 15/16] rust: platform: add basic platform device / driver abstractions
From: Rob Herring
Date: Tue Oct 22 2024 - 19:47:24 EST
On Tue, Oct 22, 2024 at 11:31:52PM +0200, Danilo Krummrich wrote:
> Implement the basic platform bus abstractions required to write a basic
> platform driver. This includes the following data structures:
> The `platform::Driver` trait represents the interface to the driver and
> provides `pci::Driver::probe` for the driver to implement.
> The `platform::Device` abstraction represents a `struct platform_device`.
> In order to provide the platform bus specific parts to a generic
> `driver::Registration` the `driver::RegistrationOps` trait is implemented
> by `platform::Adapter`.
> Signed-off-by: Danilo Krummrich <dakr@xxxxxxxxxx>
> ---
> rust/bindings/bindings_helper.h | 1 +
> rust/helpers/helpers.c | 1 +
> rust/helpers/platform.c | 13 ++
> rust/kernel/ | 1 +
> rust/kernel/ | 217 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> 6 files changed, 234 insertions(+)
> create mode 100644 rust/helpers/platform.c
> create mode 100644 rust/kernel/
> index 87eb9a7869eb..173540375863 100644
> @@ -6985,6 +6985,7 @@ F: rust/kernel/
> F: rust/kernel/
> F: rust/kernel/
> F: rust/kernel/
> +F: rust/kernel/
> M: Nishanth Menon <nm@xxxxxx>
> diff --git a/rust/bindings/bindings_helper.h b/rust/bindings/bindings_helper.h
> index 312f03cbdce9..217c776615b9 100644
> --- a/rust/bindings/bindings_helper.h
> +++ b/rust/bindings/bindings_helper.h
> @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
> #include <linux/of_device.h>
> #include <linux/pci.h>
> #include <linux/phy.h>
> +#include <linux/platform_device.h>
> #include <linux/refcount.h>
> #include <linux/sched.h>
> #include <linux/slab.h>
> diff --git a/rust/helpers/helpers.c b/rust/helpers/helpers.c
> index 8bc6e9735589..663cdc2a45e0 100644
> --- a/rust/helpers/helpers.c
> +++ b/rust/helpers/helpers.c
> @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
> #include "kunit.c"
> #include "mutex.c"
> #include "page.c"
> +#include "platform.c"
> #include "pci.c"
> #include "rbtree.c"
> #include "rcu.c"
> diff --git a/rust/helpers/platform.c b/rust/helpers/platform.c
> new file mode 100644
> index 000000000000..ab9b9f317301
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/rust/helpers/platform.c
> @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
> +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
> +
> +#include <linux/platform_device.h>
> +
> +void *rust_helper_platform_get_drvdata(const struct platform_device *pdev)
> +{
> + return platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
> +}
> +
> +void rust_helper_platform_set_drvdata(struct platform_device *pdev, void *data)
> +{
> + platform_set_drvdata(pdev, data);
> +}
> diff --git a/rust/kernel/ b/rust/kernel/
> index 5946f59f1688..9e8dcd6d7c01 100644
> --- a/rust/kernel/
> +++ b/rust/kernel/
> @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
> pub mod net;
> pub mod of;
> pub mod page;
> +pub mod platform;
> pub mod prelude;
> pub mod print;
> pub mod rbtree;
> diff --git a/rust/kernel/ b/rust/kernel/
> new file mode 100644
> index 000000000000..addf5356f44f
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/rust/kernel/
> @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
> +// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
> +
> +//! Abstractions for the platform bus.
> +//!
> +//! C header: [`include/linux/platform_device.h`](srctree/include/linux/platform_device.h)
> +
> +use crate::{
> + bindings, container_of, device,
> + device_id::RawDeviceId,
> + driver,
> + error::{to_result, Result},
> + of,
> + prelude::*,
> + str::CStr,
> + types::{ARef, ForeignOwnable},
> + ThisModule,
> +};
> +
> +/// An adapter for the registration of platform drivers.
> +pub struct Adapter<T: Driver>(T);
> +
> +impl<T: Driver + 'static> driver::RegistrationOps for Adapter<T> {
> + type RegType = bindings::platform_driver;
> +
> + fn register(
> + pdrv: &mut Self::RegType,
> + name: &'static CStr,
> + module: &'static ThisModule,
> + ) -> Result {
> + = name.as_char_ptr();
> + pdrv.probe = Some(Self::probe_callback);
> +
> + // Both members of this union are identical in data layout and semantics.
> + pdrv.__bindgen_anon_1.remove = Some(Self::remove_callback);
> + pdrv.driver.of_match_table = T::ID_TABLE.as_ptr();
> +
> + // SAFETY: `pdrv` is guaranteed to be a valid `RegType`.
> + to_result(unsafe { bindings::__platform_driver_register(pdrv, module.0) })
> + }
> +
> + fn unregister(pdrv: &mut Self::RegType) {
> + // SAFETY: `pdrv` is guaranteed to be a valid `RegType`.
> + unsafe { bindings::platform_driver_unregister(pdrv) };
> + }
> +}
> +
> +impl<T: Driver + 'static> Adapter<T> {
> + fn id_info(pdev: &Device) -> Option<&'static T::IdInfo> {
> + let table = T::ID_TABLE;
> + let id = T::of_match_device(pdev)?;
> +
> + Some(
> + }
> +
> + extern "C" fn probe_callback(pdev: *mut bindings::platform_device) -> core::ffi::c_int {
> + // SAFETY: The platform bus only ever calls the probe callback with a valid `pdev`.
> + let dev = unsafe { device::Device::from_raw(&mut (*pdev).dev) };
> + // SAFETY: `dev` is guaranteed to be embedded in a valid `struct platform_device` by the
> + // call above.
> + let mut pdev = unsafe { Device::from_dev(dev) };
> +
> + let info = Self::id_info(&pdev);
> + match T::probe(&mut pdev, info) {
> + Ok(data) => {
> + // Let the `struct platform_device` own a reference of the driver's private data.
> + // SAFETY: By the type invariant `pdev.as_raw` returns a valid pointer to a
> + // `struct platform_device`.
> + unsafe { bindings::platform_set_drvdata(pdev.as_raw(), data.into_foreign() as _) };
> + }
> + Err(err) => return Error::to_errno(err),
> + }
> +
> + 0
> + }
> +
> + extern "C" fn remove_callback(pdev: *mut bindings::platform_device) {
> + // SAFETY: `pdev` is a valid pointer to a `struct platform_device`.
> + let ptr = unsafe { bindings::platform_get_drvdata(pdev) };
> +
> + // SAFETY: `remove_callback` is only ever called after a successful call to
> + // `probe_callback`, hence it's guaranteed that `ptr` points to a valid and initialized
> + // `KBox<T>` pointer created through `KBox::into_foreign`.
> + let _ = unsafe { KBox::<T>::from_foreign(ptr) };
> + }
> +}
> +
> +/// Declares a kernel module that exposes a single platform driver.
> +///
> +/// # Examples
> +///
> +/// ```ignore
> +/// kernel::module_platform_driver! {
> +/// type: MyDriver,
> +/// name: "Module name",
> +/// author: "Author name",
> +/// description: "Description",
> +/// license: "GPL v2",
> +/// }
> +/// ```
> +#[macro_export]
> +macro_rules! module_platform_driver {
> + ($($f:tt)*) => {
> + $crate::module_driver!(<T>, $crate::platform::Adapter<T>, { $($f)* });
> + };
> +}
> +
> +/// IdTable type for platform drivers.
> +pub type IdTable<T> = &'static dyn kernel::device_id::IdTable<of::DeviceId, T>;
> +
> +/// The platform driver trait.
> +///
> +/// # Example
> +///
> +///```
> +/// # use kernel::{bindings, c_str, of, platform};
> +///
> +/// struct MyDriver;
> +///
> +/// kernel::of_device_table!(
> +/// OF_TABLE,
> +/// <MyDriver as platform::Driver>::IdInfo,
> +/// [
> +/// (of::DeviceId::new(c_str!("redhat,my-device")), ())
All compatible strings have to be documented as do vendor prefixes and
I don't think "redhat" is one. An exception is you can use
"test,<whatever>" and not document it.
There's a check for undocumented compatibles. I guess I'll have to add
rust parsing to it...
BTW, how do you compile this code in the kernel?
> +/// ]
> +/// );
> +///
> +/// impl platform::Driver for MyDriver {
> +/// type IdInfo = ();
> +/// const ID_TABLE: platform::IdTable<Self::IdInfo> = &OF_TABLE;
> +///
> +/// fn probe(
> +/// _pdev: &mut platform::Device,
> +/// _id_info: Option<&Self::IdInfo>,
> +/// ) -> Result<Pin<KBox<Self>>> {
> +/// Err(ENODEV)
> +/// }
> +/// }
> +///```
> +/// Drivers must implement this trait in order to get a platform driver registered. Please refer to
> +/// the `Adapter` documentation for an example.
> +pub trait Driver {
> + /// The type holding information about each device id supported by the driver.
> + ///
> + /// TODO: Use associated_type_defaults once stabilized:
> + ///
> + /// type IdInfo: 'static = ();
> + type IdInfo: 'static;
> +
> + /// The table of device ids supported by the driver.
> + const ID_TABLE: IdTable<Self::IdInfo>;
> +
> + /// Platform driver probe.
> + ///
> + /// Called when a new platform device is added or discovered.
> + /// Implementers should attempt to initialize the device here.
> + fn probe(dev: &mut Device, id_info: Option<&Self::IdInfo>) -> Result<Pin<KBox<Self>>>;
> +
> + /// Find the [`of::DeviceId`] within [`Driver::ID_TABLE`] matching the given [`Device`], if any.
> + fn of_match_device(pdev: &Device) -> Option<&of::DeviceId> {
Is this visible to drivers? It shouldn't be. I just removed most of the
calls of the C version earlier this year. Drivers should only need the
match data. The preferred driver C API is device_get_match_data(). That
is firmware agnostic and works for DT, ACPI and old platform
driver_data. Obviously, ACPI is not supported here, but it will be soon
enough. We could perhaps get away with not supporting the platform
driver_data because that's generally not used on anything in the last 10
Another potential issue is keeping the match logic for probe and the
match logic for the data in sync. If you implement your own logic here
in rust and probe is using the C version, they might not be the same.
Best case, we have 2 implementations of the same thing.
> + let table = Self::ID_TABLE;
> +
> + // SAFETY:
> + // - `table` has static lifetime, hence it's valid for read,
> + // - `dev` is guaranteed to be valid while it's alive, and so is
> + // `pdev.as_dev().as_raw()`.
> + let raw_id = unsafe { bindings::of_match_device(table.as_ptr(), pdev.as_dev().as_raw()) };
of_match_device depends on CONFIG_OF. There's an empty static inline,
but seems bindgen can't handle those. Prior versions added a helper
function, but that's going to scale terribly. Can we use an annotation
for CONFIG_OF here (assuming we can't get rid of using this directly)?
> +
> + if raw_id.is_null() {
> + None
> + } else {
> + // SAFETY: `DeviceId` is a `#[repr(transparent)` wrapper of `struct of_device_id` and
> + // does not add additional invariants, so it's safe to transmute.
> + Some(unsafe { &*raw_id.cast::<of::DeviceId>() })
> + }
> + }
> +}