Re: [PATCH v4 20/28] cxl/core: Return endpoint decoder information from region search

From: Alison Schofield
Date: Wed Oct 23 2024 - 22:31:26 EST

On Mon, Oct 07, 2024 at 06:16:26PM -0500, Ira Weiny wrote:
> cxl_dpa_to_region() finds the region from a <DPA, device> tuple.
> The search involves finding the device endpoint decoder as well.
> Dynamic capacity extent processing uses the endpoint decoder HPA
> information to calculate the HPA offset. In addition, well behaved
> extents should be contained within an endpoint decoder.
> Return the endpoint decoder found to be used in subsequent DCD code.

Reviewed-by: Alison Schofield <alison.schofield@xxxxxxxxx>

BTW - I reviewed this patch when it first appeard in the DCD series
and looked for other ways to layer the delivery of cxled and cxlr.
Nothing clever appeared and looking at how DCD uses it in the
future patch made this feel less yucky - it does want both cxled &
cxlr so it can have them here all at once ;)
