Re: [PATCH v2 1/3] dm-inlinecrypt: Add inline encryption support

From: Christoph Hellwig
Date: Thu Oct 24 2024 - 02:15:19 EST

On Wed, Oct 23, 2024 at 10:52:06PM -0400, Adrian Vovk wrote:
> > Why do you assume the encryption would happen twice?
> I'm not assuming. That's the behavior of dm-crypt without passthrough.
> It just encrypts everything that moves through it. If I stack two
> layers of dm-crypt on top of each other my data is encrypted twice.

Sure. But why would you do that?

> > No one knows that it actually is encryped. The lower layer just knows
> > the skip encryption flag was set, but it has zero assurance data
> > actually was encrypted.
> I think it makes sense to require that the data is actually encrypted
> whenever the flag is set. Of course there's no way to enforce that
> programmatically, but code that sets the flag without making sure the
> data gets encrypted some other way wouldn't pass review.

You have a lot of trusted in reviers. But even that doesn't help as
the kernel can load code that never passed review.

> Alternatively, if I recall correctly it should be possible to just
> check if the bio has an attached encryption context. If it has one,
> then just pass-through. If it doesn't, then attach your own. No flag
> required this way, and dm-default-key would only add encryption iff
> the data isn't already encrypted.

That at least sounds a little better. But it still doesn't answer
why we need this hack instead always encrypting at one layer instead
of splitting it up.