Re: [PATCH v13 05/13] x86/sev: Prevent RDTSC/RDTSCP interception for Secure TSC enabled guests

From: Nikunj A. Dadhania
Date: Thu Oct 24 2024 - 04:44:20 EST

On 10/24/2024 1:26 PM, Xiaoyao Li wrote:
> On 10/21/2024 1:51 PM, Nikunj A Dadhania wrote:
>> The hypervisor should not be intercepting RDTSC/RDTSCP when Secure TSC is
>> enabled. A #VC exception will be generated if the RDTSC/RDTSCP instructions
>> are being intercepted. If this should occur and Secure TSC is enabled,
>> terminate guest execution.
> There is another option to ignore the interception and just return back to
> guest execution.

That is not correct, RDTSC/RDTSCP should return the timestamp counter value
computed using the GUEST_TSC_SCALE and GUEST_TSC_OFFSET part of VMSA.

> I think it better to add some justification on why make it> fatal and terminate the guest is better than ignoring the interception.

How about the below updated commit message:

The hypervisor should not be intercepting RDTSC/RDTSCP when Secure TSC is
enabled. A #VC exception will be generated if the RDTSC/RDTSCP instructions
are being intercepted. If this should occur and Secure TSC is enabled,
terminate guest execution as the guest cannot rely on the TSC value provided
by the hypervisor.
