Re: [PATCH v5 0/2] PCI: microchip: support using either instance 1 or 2
From: Conor Dooley
Date: Thu Oct 24 2024 - 05:41:50 EST
On Wed, Aug 14, 2024 at 09:08:40AM +0100, Conor Dooley wrote:
> From: Conor Dooley <conor.dooley@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> The current driver and binding for PolarFire SoC's PCI controller assume
> that the root port instance in use is instance 1. The second reg
> property constitutes the region encompassing both "control" and "bridge"
> registers for both instances. In the driver, a fixed offset is applied to
> find the base addresses for instance 1's "control" and "bridge"
> registers. The BeagleV Fire uses root port instance 2, so something must
> be done so that software can differentiate. This series splits the
> second reg property in two, with dedicated "control" and "bridge"
> entries so that either instance can be used.
Just attempting to bump this patchset. It has gone over 2 months without
response, and I am afraid it has completely fallen between the cracks.
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