On Wed, 2024-08-21 at 10:55 +0200, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
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On 21/08/2024 10:26, friday.yang wrote:
On the MediaTek platform, some SMI LARBs are directly linked to SMILARB
common. While some SMI LARBs are linked to SMI sub common, then SMI
sub common is linked to SMI common. Add 'mediatek,smi-sub-comm' and
'mediatek,smi-sub-comm-in-portid' properties here. The SMI reset
driver could query which port of the SMI sub common the current
is linked to through the two properties. The hardware block diagram+++++++++++++++++++
could be described as below.
SMI Common(Smart Multimedia Interface Common)
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
larb0 SMI Sub Common
| | |
larb1 larb2 larb3
Signed-off-by: friday.yang <friday.yang@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
.../mediatek,smi-common.yaml | 2 ++
.../memory-controllers/mediatek,smi-larb.yaml | 22
2 files changed, 24 insertions(+)controllers/mediatek,smi-common.yaml
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/memory-
index 2f36ac23604c..4392d349878c 100644controllers/mediatek,smi-common.yaml
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/memory-
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/memory-controllers/mediatek,smi-common.yaml
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ properties:controllers/mediatek,smi-larb.yaml
- mediatek,mt8186-smi-common
- mediatek,mt8188-smi-common-vdo
- mediatek,mt8188-smi-common-vpp
+ - mediatek,mt8188-smi-sub-common
- mediatek,mt8192-smi-common
- mediatek,mt8195-smi-common-vdo
- mediatek,mt8195-smi-common-vpp
@@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ allOf:
+ - mediatek,mt8188-smi-sub-common
- mediatek,mt8195-smi-sub-common
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/memory-
index 2381660b324c..5f162bb360db 100644controllers/mediatek,smi-larb.yaml
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/memory-
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/memory-controllers/mediatek,smi-larb.yaml
@@ -69,6 +69,16 @@ properties:when this
description: the hardware id of this larb. It's only required
hardware id is not consecutive from its M4U point of view.linked to.
+ mediatek,smi-sub-comm:
+ $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/phandle
+ description: a phandle of smi_sub_common that the larb is
Why do you have to smi phandle properties per each node?
As shown in the picture from the commit message, we have multipule smi-
sub-common, each SMI larb may link to one of the smi-sub-common. So we
need the 'mediatek,smi-sub-comm' to describe which smi-sub-common the
larb is linked to.
In next version, I will add two smi-sub-common to the diagram in the
commit message.
+linked to.
+ mediatek,smi-sub-comm-in-portid:
+ $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
+ minimum: 0
+ maximum: 7
+ description: which port of smi_sub_common that the larb is
Merge it into phandle.
Just confirm,
Do you mean merge these two into one property, like:
mediatek,smi-sub-comm = <&phandle port-id>;
- compatible
- reg
@@ -125,6 +135,18 @@ allOf:
- mediatek,larb-id
+ - if:
+ properties:
+ compatible:
+ contains:
+ enum:
+ - mediatek,mt8188-smi-larb
+ then:
+ required:
+ - mediatek,smi-sub-comm
+ - mediatek,smi-sub-comm-in-portid
and add it to the example (since you claim it is valid for every
OK, I will add this to the example.
Best regards,