Re: [PATCH v1 0/2] Enable WDT reload feature

From: Uwe Kleine-König
Date: Thu Oct 24 2024 - 11:41:12 EST


On Thu, Oct 24, 2024 at 03:15:46PM +0800, Billy Tsai wrote:
> Aspeed PWM controller has the WDT reload feature, which changes the duty
> cycle to a preprogrammed value after a WDT/EXTRST#.
> Billy Tsai (2):
> hwmon: (aspeed-g6-pwm-tacho): Extend the #pwm-cells to 4
> hwmon: (aspeed-g6-pwm-tacho): Support the WDT reload

Huh, I'm not convinced that extending #pwm-cells for that feature is a
good idea. Unless I'm missing something none of the other supported PWM
chips can do that, so I hesitate to change a standard for it. I suggest
to make this a separate property instead.

Best regards

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