Re: linux: Goodbye from a Linux community volunteer

From: Jiaxun Yang
Date: Thu Oct 24 2024 - 13:34:18 EST

在2024年10月24日十月 下午5:30,Peter Cai写道:
> Hi James,
> Thanks for your clarification. This sort of non-provocative
> clarifications of the regulations you need to comply to has always been
> what the community wants to see. _This_ should have been the first
> official statement when anyone raised the concern, instead of Greg's
> attempt to "defuse" the situation over private correspondence, or Linus
> Torvald's outright defamation and accusing anyone who dares to disagree
> of being a "Russian troll". This is not even to mention the _complete
> ignorance_ and arrogance shown by his statement on what sending a revert
> patch means.
> With sanctions in place, there is no reasonable person who will demand
> the LF or the Linux Kernel maintainers to do otherwise. However, as
> someone who does rely on Linux for daily work, and as someone who has
> contributed to the Linux project and its community, I think seeing the
> following should be the minimum:
> 1. Linus Torvalds (+Cc) send an apology letter to **everyone** who he
> accused of being a Russian troll;
> 2. Linus Torvalds need to **unconditionally retract** his personal
> attack on Kexy Biscuit, the person who sent the revert patch in protest
> (+Cc), and acknowledge that people who work with aren't
> "state-sponsored paid actors";
> 3. This type of statement should be included somewhere public as soon as
> practically possible should sanction compliance affect kernel
> development again in the future;
> 4. No personal attacks should be allowed based on tinfoil-hat reasoning.

I agree those actions and IMHO this should be addressed under Linux's
Code of Conduct enforcement [1] framework.

I also look forward to a formal investigation report on the entire event.
It may eventually result in an overhaul of our governance model.


> Thanks,
> Peter.
- Jiaxun