Re: [RFC PATCH v1 07/10] net: qrtr: allow socket endpoint binding

From: Denis Kenzior
Date: Thu Oct 24 2024 - 13:51:35 EST

Hi Chris,

@@ -1346,6 +1367,9 @@ static int qrtr_getsockopt(struct socket *sock, int level, int optname,
          val = test_bit(QRTR_F_REPORT_ENDPOINT, &ipc->flags);
+        val = ipc->bound_endpoint;
+        break;

In the case where an endpoint goes away and a client has bound their socket to an endpoint, would there be any notification to unbind the socket?

I didn't think it was needed. In my use case I would be relying on the relevant device to be removed, (e.g. a udev notification would be received for the devices associated with the PCIe modem). ECONNRESET might also happen, with the udev events following shortly after.

Is the expectation that the client would get notified through ECONNRESET on the next sendmsg() or receive the BYE/DEL_CLIENT/DEL_SERVER control message.


On that cleanup, I guess the client would either re-bind the socket back to 0 or wait for the mhi sysfs to come back and get the new endpoint id?

In my case I would be closing the sockets entirely. But what you describe can also be done.
