Re: linux: Goodbye from a Linux community volunteer
From: Oleksiy Protas
Date: Thu Oct 24 2024 - 14:53:19 EST
Dear Serge,
On behalf of a long time Linux user and developer I thank you for your hard work and contributions to the kernel.
> For that reason I have no any (company) lawyer to talk to
I think you should contact the lawyers of Baikal Electronics JSC which are listed as your work place in your GitHub profile and which is under sanctions due to it being directly involved in the ongoing war. Specifically the production of your company makes its way into rockets and drones which I see explode out of my window every night. Given your history contributing Baikal patches in 2023 you do not seemed to have a problem with this fact I suppose.
It's quite apalling that this needs to be broken down to adult people.
Take care and consider rethinking your life choices.