[PATCH v3] pwm: imx-tpm: Use correct MODULO value for EPWM mode

From: Erik Schumacher
Date: Fri Oct 25 2024 - 04:37:14 EST

The modulo register defines the period of the edge-aligned PWM mode
(which is the only mode implemented). The reference manual states:
"The EPWM period is determined by (MOD + 0001h) ..." So the value that
is written to the MOD register must therefore be one less than the
calculated period length. Return -EINVAL if the calculated length is
already zero.
A correct MODULO value is particularly relevant if the PWM has to output
a high frequency due to a low period value.

Fixes: 738a1cfec2ed ("pwm: Add i.MX TPM PWM driver support")
Cc: stable@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Signed-off-by: Erik Schumacher <erik.schumacher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Add Fixes: and Cc: tags
- Add period_count == 0 check and return -EINVAL

drivers/pwm/pwm-imx-tpm.c | 4 +++-
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/drivers/pwm/pwm-imx-tpm.c b/drivers/pwm/pwm-imx-tpm.c
index 96ea343856f0..7ee7b65b9b90 100644
--- a/drivers/pwm/pwm-imx-tpm.c
+++ b/drivers/pwm/pwm-imx-tpm.c
@@ -106,7 +106,9 @@ static int pwm_imx_tpm_round_state(struct pwm_chip *chip,
p->prescale = prescale;

period_count = (clock_unit + ((1 << prescale) >> 1)) >> prescale;
- p->mod = period_count;
+ if (period_count == 0)
+ return -EINVAL;
+ p->mod = period_count - 1;

/* calculate real period HW can support */
tmp = (u64)period_count << prescale;