Re: [PATCH 6/6] remoteproc: qcom: Enable map/unmap and SHM bridge support

From: Konrad Dybcio
Date: Fri Oct 25 2024 - 15:08:05 EST

On 4.10.2024 11:23 PM, Mukesh Ojha wrote:
> For Qualcomm SoCs runnning with Qualcomm EL2 hypervisor(QHEE), IOMMU
> translation for remote processors is managed by QHEE and if the same SoC
> run under KVM, remoteproc carveout and devmem region should be IOMMU
> mapped from Linux PAS driver before remoteproc is brought up and
> unmapped once it is tear down and apart from this, SHM bridge also need
> to set up to enable memory protection on both remoteproc meta data
> memory as well as for the carveout region.

!Gunyah != KVM

> Enable the support required to run Qualcomm remoteprocs on non-QHEE
> hypervisors.
> Signed-off-by: Mukesh Ojha <quic_mojha@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> ---


> + if (of_property_present(pdev->dev.of_node, "iommus")) {
> + struct of_phandle_args args;
> +
> + ret = of_parse_phandle_with_args(pdev->dev.of_node, "iommus", "#iommu-cells", 0, &args);
> + if (ret < 0)
> + return ret;
> +
> + rproc->has_iommu = true;
> + adsp->sid = args.args[0];

Do we ignore the SMR mask completely?

This ties the implementation very closely to arm-smmu-v2. While I don't
expect any changes in there, this is something to keep in mind..
