Righteous way

From: Joe Putin
Date: Fri Oct 25 2024 - 17:59:39 EST

There is certainly a positive development, since for the first time, we
realize that the code we write could be used in mis*iles/weap*ns that
b*mb people like you and me. Our families, and our children.

But it's important to discern "the people" and "the army". Since, people
all around the world are just like you and me who are trying to survive
this world.

The best way out here is that we ask these rouge milit*ries to publicly
release the code they use to mass*cre civilians. So, we can put them to
shame for the algorithms they use to decide who gets to live and who

Linux is GPL license which requires derived works to be publicly
released. Hence, not complying would put them in a morally and legally
wrong position.

For the milit*ries that are conducting brutal Gen*cides, b*mbing
hospitals, schools, refugee camps, homes. We must speak for the
innocent civilians.

But we should not side with those, whose objective is ambitious pursuit of
wealth and power, At cost of the commons.

Linux kernel is the epitome of what collective human effort can achieve.
The internet has enabled us to communicate, otherwise we would all be
brainwashed by our respective government's pr*paganda. Let's make use of
this for good.

This world is already a terrible place, let's not make it worse. We
"the people" stand together.