Re: [PATCH 2/2] drm: bridge: ti-sn65dsi83: Add error recovery mechanism

From: Marek Vasut
Date: Sat Oct 26 2024 - 00:19:37 EST

On 10/24/24 11:55 AM, Herve Codina wrote:
In some cases observed during ESD tests, the TI SN65DSI83 cannot recover
from errors by itself. A full restart of the bridge is needed in those
cases to have the bridge output LVDS signals again.

I have seen the bridge being flaky sometimes, do you have any more details of what is going on when this irrecoverable error occurs ?

The TI SN65DSI83 has some error detection capabilities. Introduce an
error recovery mechanism based on this detection.

The errors detected are signaled through an interrupt. On system where
this interrupt is not available, the driver uses a polling monitoring
fallback to check for errors. When an error is present, the recovery
process is launched.

Restarting the bridge needs to redo the initialization sequence. This
initialization sequence has to be done with the DSI data lanes driven in
LP11 state. In order to do that, the recovery process resets the entire

+CC Michael regarding the LP11 part , I think there was some development to switch lanes into LP11 mode on request ?
