Re: [PATCH RFC 3/3] samples: rust: platform: Add property read examples
From: Dirk Behme
Date: Mon Oct 28 2024 - 03:15:15 EST
On 25.10.2024 23:05, Rob Herring (Arm) wrote:
Add some example usage of the device property read methods for
DT/ACPI/swnode properties.
Signed-off-by: Rob Herring (Arm) <robh@xxxxxxxxxx>
I think that we should mention that this works only with
CONFIG_OF_UNITTEST enabled? And/or maybe wrap the whole somehow with
drivers/of/unittest-data/tests-platform.dtsi | 3 +++
samples/rust/ | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 25 insertions(+)
diff --git a/drivers/of/unittest-data/tests-platform.dtsi b/drivers/of/unittest-data/tests-platform.dtsi
index 2caaf1c10ee6..a5369b9343b8 100644
--- a/drivers/of/unittest-data/tests-platform.dtsi
+++ b/drivers/of/unittest-data/tests-platform.dtsi
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ dev@100 {
test-device@2 {
compatible = "test,rust-device";
reg = <0x2>;
+ test,u32-prop = <0xdeadbeef>;
+ test,i16-array = /bits/ 16 <1 2 (-3) (-4)>;
diff --git a/samples/rust/ b/samples/rust/
index 5cf4a8f86c13..95c290806862 100644
--- a/samples/rust/
+++ b/samples/rust/
@@ -41,6 +41,28 @@ fn probe(pdev: &mut platform::Device, info: Option<&Self::IdInfo>) -> Result<Pin
+ let dev = pdev.as_ref();
Maybe move this up and use it in Danilo's part, as well? To stay consistent?
--- a/samples/rust/
+++ b/samples/rust/
@@ -26,25 +26,25 @@ impl platform::Driver for SampleDriver {
fn probe(pdev: &mut platform::Device, info: Option<&Self::IdInfo>)
-> Result<Pin<KBox<Self>>> {
dev_dbg!(pdev.as_ref(), "Probe Rust Platform driver sample.\n");
+ let dev = pdev.as_ref();
match (Self::of_match_device(pdev), info) {
(Some(id), Some(info)) => {
- pdev.as_ref(),
+ dev,
"Probed by OF compatible match: '{}' with info:
_ => {
- dev_info!(pdev.as_ref(), "Probed by name.\n");
+ dev_info!(dev, "Probed by name.\n");
- let dev = pdev.as_ref();
if let Ok(idx) =
dev.property_match_string(c_str!("compatible"), c_str!("test,rust-device"))
- dev_info!(pdev.as_ref(), "matched compatible string idx =
{}\n", idx);
+ dev_info!(dev, "matched compatible string idx = {}\n", idx);
let prop = dev.property_read_bool(c_str!("test,bool-prop"));
@@ -56,12 +56,10 @@ fn probe(pdev: &mut platform::Device, info:
Option<&Self::IdInfo>) -> Result<Pin
+ if let Ok(idx) = dev.property_match_string(c_str!("compatible"), c_str!("test,rust-device"))
+ {
+ dev_info!(pdev.as_ref(), "matched compatible string idx = {}\n", idx);
+ }
+ let prop = dev.property_read_bool(c_str!("test,bool-prop"));
I stopped reading here with "hey, "test,bool-prop" isn't in the
tests-platform.dtsi above, no?". Until I realized that this is
intentional to get back false. So whats about adding a comment like
// Intentionally check for an non-existent property to get back false
+ dev_info!(dev, "bool prop is {}\n", prop);
+ let _prop = dev.property_read::<u32>(c_str!("test,u32-prop"))?;
+ let prop: u32 = dev.property_read(c_str!("test,u32-prop"))?;
+ dev_info!(dev, "'test,u32-prop' is {:#x}\n", prop);
+ let prop: [i16; 4] = dev.property_read_array(c_str!("test,i16-array"))?;
+ dev_info!(dev, "'test,i16-array' is {:?}\n", prop);
+ dev_info!(
+ dev,
+ "'test,i16-array' length is {}\n",
+ dev.property_count_elem::<u16>(c_str!("test,i16-array"))
+ .unwrap()
In the error case unwrap() (or expect()) will result in panic(). Besides
some very rare cases I don't see a reason why device drivers should
panic. Esp. not if reading some array length from the device tree fails
;) So I don't think we should encourage using unwrap() or expect() in
drivers by using them even in example code. Which most probably will be
copied quite often, then ;)
What's about anything like this instead?
let prop: [i16; 4] =
dev_info!(dev, "'test,i16-array' is {:?}\n", prop);
- dev_info!(
- dev,
- "'test,i16-array' length is {}\n",
- dev.property_count_elem::<u16>(c_str!("test,i16-array"))
- .unwrap()
- );
+ let len = dev.property_count_elem::<u16>(c_str!("test,i16-array"));
+ if let Ok(length) = len {
+ dev_info!(dev, "'test,i16-array' length is {}\n", length);
+ }
let drvdata = KBox::new(Self { pdev: pdev.clone() }, GFP_KERNEL)?;
Or if we want a reasonable error message in the error case, as well, we
could switch to a match, instead.
Best regards
+ );
let drvdata = KBox::new(Self { pdev: pdev.clone() }, GFP_KERNEL)?;