Re: [PATCH v4] f2fs: modify f2fs_is_checkpoint_ready logic to allow more data to be written with the CP disable

From: Chao Yu
Date: Mon Oct 28 2024 - 05:34:59 EST

On 2024/10/25 17:18, Qi Han wrote:
When the free segment is used up during CP disable, many write or
ioctl operations will get ENOSPC error codes, even if there are
still many blocks available. We can reproduce it in the following

dd if=/dev/zero of=f2fs.img bs=1M count=65
mkfs.f2fs -f f2fs.img
mount f2fs.img f2fs_dir -o checkpoint=disable:10%
cd f2fs_dir
i=1 ; while [[ $i -lt 50 ]] ; do (file_name=./2M_file$i ; dd \
if=/dev/random of=$file_name bs=1M count=2); i=$((i+1)); done
i=1 ; while [[ $i -lt 50 ]] ; do (file_name=./2M_file$i ; truncate \
-s 1K $file_name); i=$((i+1)); done
dd if=/dev/zero of=./file bs=1M count=20

In f2fs_need_SSR() function, it is allowed to use SSR to allocate
blocks when CP is disabled, so in f2fs_is_checkpoint_ready function,
can we judge the number of invalid blocks when free segment is not
enough, and return ENOSPC only if the number of invalid blocks is
also not enough.

Signed-off-by: Qi Han <hanqi@xxxxxxxx>

Reviewed-by: Chao Yu <chao@xxxxxxxxxx>
