Re: [PATCH] CREDITS: do the decent thing

From: Christoph Hellwig
Date: Mon Oct 28 2024 - 05:48:38 EST

> Just because we can no longer work with someone does not mean we have
> to efface their name from history. Whether we consider them to be
> good or bad people, I have seen no-one claiming that any of them were
> bad *kernel maintainers*. As an international collaboration, Linux
> should be above national animosities, and where local laws force our
> hand we should not go one step further than those laws require. Are
> we truly so small, so self-righteous?
> Oh, and dear Linus: I'm not a Russian troll. I hate Russian military
> expansionism (current and historic) just as much as you. Try to use
> *your* mush to realise that opposing the ham-handed and secretive way
> the MAINTAINERS patch was done does not make one a supporter of
> Russian aggression.
> Sent from my personal address rather than my work account, because I
> don't want to give my employer's lawyers any more of an aneurysm than
> I doubtless already am.

Agreed with all of the above and:

Acked-by: Christoph Hellwig <hch@xxxxxx>

for the patch. But please fix up the damaged whitespaces before
the subsequent lines.