Re: [PATCH v2 2/3] ARM: dts: imx: Add devicetree for Kobo Clara 2E

From: Matti Vaittinen
Date: Tue Oct 29 2024 - 03:53:51 EST

On 24/10/2024 17:22, Andreas Kemnade wrote:
Adds a devicetree for the Kobo Clara 2E Ebook reader. It is based
on boards marked with "37NB-E60K2M+4A2" or "37NB-E60K2M+4B0". It is
equipped with an i.MX6SLL SoC.

Expected to work:
- Buttons
- Wifi
- Bluetooth
(if Wifi is initialized first, driver does not handle regulators
- uSD
- Touchscreen

Add human-readable comments for devices without mainlined driver and
binding. Such comments can e.g. be help to find testers if someone
starts to work on the missing drivers.

Signed-off-by: Andreas Kemnade <andreas@xxxxxxxxxxxx>


+ pmic@4b {
+ compatible = "rohm,bd71879", "rohm,bd71828";
+ reg = <0x4b>;
+ pinctrl-names = "default";
+ pinctrl-0 = <&pinctrl_bd71828>;
+ interrupt-parent = <&gpio4>;
+ interrupts = <19 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW>;
+ system-power-controller;
+ clocks = <&clks 0>;
+ #clock-cells = <0>;
+ clock-output-names = "bd71828-32k-out";
+ gpio-controller;
+ #gpio-cells = <2>;
+ gpio-reserved-ranges = <0 1>, <2 1>;
+ rohm,charger-sense-resistor-ohms = <30000000>;

I am afraid that this one is _my_ very much terrible brainfart. Yeah, pile up the stones and start casting ;)

I am fairly sure the sense resistor is 30 mOhm (0,030 Ohm), not 30 MOhm (30 000 000 Ohm). (And I am the one who misinterpreted the M in some email/data-sheet in the past - and never questioned the sanity).

In short, AFAICS the sense resistor is added "in series" to the system load. Eg:

---| Rsense |-----
| -------- |
--------- -------
| VSupply | | Rload |
--------- -------
| |

Hence, by measuring the voltage drop on the Rsense gives us the current flowing through the system ( good old U = RI ).

I believe having 30 Mohm (30 000 000 Ohm) resistor there would not make much of sense... With a Fermi estimate that the system works with voltage magnitude of 1V and current magnitude of 1A and then applying good old P = UI and U = RI would give us wonderful results :) Quite a battery on poor Kobo, right? You'd better to not touch the battery termninals ;) Oh, and looking the driver code I've written for handling this property... Sometimes I really don't like mirrors :)

Well, now that I got this out - I suppose this could be
rohm,charger-sense-resistor-milli-ohms = <30>;
rohm,charger-sense-resistor-micro-ohms = <30000>;

I further guess there is no upstreamn binding doc for this property. I think there is also no upstream charger driver for the BD71828/BD71879 - only an early RFC and some downstream mess - but stil it'd be nice to have the property in place as the size of the sense resistor is needed when converting coulomb counter register values to current.

-- Matti