Re: [PATCH] wifi: rtlwifi: Drastically reduce the attempts to read efuse bytes in case of failures

From: Bitterblue Smith
Date: Tue Oct 29 2024 - 12:55:56 EST

On 29/10/2024 15:31, Guilherme G. Piccoli wrote:
> On 29/10/2024 10:20, Bitterblue Smith wrote:
>> On 29/10/2024 02:50, Ping-Ke Shih wrote:
>>>> But can you help me on finding a USB adapter that runs this path? If you
>>>> know a commodity model that uses this specific driver, could you point
>>>> me so I can buy one for testing?
>>> I don't know that. Maybe, Bitterblue Smith (Cc'd) can share how/where he got
>>> USB adapters.
>> I got them from Aliexpress. Both listings are gone now, but I still
>> see others:
>> Mine was only 6 USD in March 2023. I don't know why this obsolete
>> product got so expensive.
>> For RTL8192DU only modules are available:
>> Someone gave me this link (I didn't buy):
>> Note that the Netis WF2120 can have newer chips inside which will
>> not use this driver.
> Thanks a bunch for the info and links, much appreciated! I can try to
> grab one for testing, but let me ask also: would you be willing to test
> that for me, Bitterblue? If so, I can resubmit today with the PCI check.
> If not possible, no worries, I can buy one.
> Cheers,
> Guilherme

I tested your patch. Both my devices can still read the efuse.