Re: [PATCH v2 06/11] scsi: ufs: exynos: remove tx_dif_p_nsec from exynosauto_ufs_drv_init()

From: Tudor Ambarus
Date: Wed Oct 30 2024 - 05:39:26 EST

On 10/25/24 2:14 PM, Peter Griffin wrote:
> Firstly exynosauto sets EXYNOS_UFS_OPT_SKIP_CONFIG_PHY_ATTR so setting

exynosauto and gs101, the users of exynosauto_ufs_drv_init().

> tx_dif_p_nsec has no effect.

Both set EXYNOS_UFS_OPT_SKIP_CONFIG_PHY_ATTR, the conclusion is correct
for gs101 as well.

With this addressed:
Reviewed-by: Tudor Ambarus <tudor.ambarus@xxxxxxxxxx>

nitpick/personal preference: I wouldn't use the commit body as a
continuation of the subject. I would specify what the commit does in the
body as well. No need to address.

Also, as a side note, I thought of removing tx_dif_p_nsec from
exynos7_uic_attr, but it seems that this struct is used by
exynos_ufs_drvs as well, which don't set
EXYNOS_UFS_OPT_SKIP_CONFIG_PHY_ATTR. That's a little confusing, I guess
it's more clear if each driver has its own required settings specified.