Re: [PATCH v2 07/11] scsi: ufs: exynos: add gs101_ufs_drv_init() hook and enable WriteBooster

From: Tudor Ambarus
Date: Wed Oct 30 2024 - 06:32:19 EST

On 10/25/24 2:14 PM, Peter Griffin wrote:
> Factor out the common code into a new exynos_ufs_shareability() function
> and provide a dedicated gs101_drv_init() hook.
> This allows us to enable WriteBooster capability (UFSHCD_CAP_WB_EN) in a
> way that doesn't effect other SoCs supported in this driver.
> WriteBooster improves write speeds by enabling a pseudo SLC cache. Using
> the `fio seqwrite` test we can achieve speeds of 945MB/s with this feature
> enabled (until the cache is exhausted) before dropping back to ~260MB/s
> (which are the speeds we see without the WriteBooster feature enabled).
> Assuming the UFSHCD_CAP_WB_EN capability is set by the host then
> WriteBooster can also be enabled and disabled via sysfs so it is possible
> for the system to only enable it when extra write performance is required.
> Signed-off-by: Peter Griffin <peter.griffin@xxxxxxxxxx>

Reviewed-by: Tudor Ambarus <tudor.ambarus@xxxxxxxxxx>

While reviewing this patch I noticed few cleanups can be made. I sent
them here:

Feel free to include them in your set if you're going to respin. Or not,
if you don't want to tie your head with cleanup patches. I can respin
them on top of yours later on.