[PATCH V5 5/6] pmdomain: arm: Use FLAG_DEV_NAME_FW to ensure unique names
From: Sibi Sankar
Date: Wed Oct 30 2024 - 08:57:52 EST
The domain attributes returned by the perf protocol can end up reporting
identical names across domains, resulting in debugfs node creation failure.
Use the GENPD_FLAG_DEV_NAME_FW to ensure the genpd providers end up with an
unique name.
Logs: [X1E reports 'NCC' for all its scmi perf domains]
debugfs: Directory 'NCC' with parent 'pm_genpd' already present!
debugfs: Directory 'NCC' with parent 'pm_genpd' already present!
Reported-by: Johan Hovold <johan+linaro@xxxxxxxxxx>
Closes: https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/ZoQjAWse2YxwyRJv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/
Suggested-by: Ulf Hansson <ulf.hansson@xxxxxxxxxx>
Suggested-by: Dmitry Baryshkov <dmitry.baryshkov@xxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Sibi Sankar <quic_sibis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/pmdomain/arm/scmi_perf_domain.c | 3 ++-
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/drivers/pmdomain/arm/scmi_perf_domain.c b/drivers/pmdomain/arm/scmi_perf_domain.c
index d7ef46ccd9b8..3693423459c9 100644
--- a/drivers/pmdomain/arm/scmi_perf_domain.c
+++ b/drivers/pmdomain/arm/scmi_perf_domain.c
@@ -125,7 +125,8 @@ static int scmi_perf_domain_probe(struct scmi_device *sdev)
scmi_pd->ph = ph;
scmi_pd->genpd.name = scmi_pd->info->name;
scmi_pd->genpd.flags = GENPD_FLAG_ALWAYS_ON |
scmi_pd->genpd.set_performance_state = scmi_pd_set_perf_state;
scmi_pd->genpd.attach_dev = scmi_pd_attach_dev;
scmi_pd->genpd.detach_dev = scmi_pd_detach_dev;