Re: [PATCH v3 1/4] arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: add 1.2GHz CPU Frequency
From: Chukun Pan
Date: Wed Oct 30 2024 - 09:35:59 EST
> You can respond here and post new iteration once we settle on something.
Sorry for the late reply. There are two versions of ipq6000 SoCs:
(1) Earlier version: soc_id: IPQ6018; fuse: BIT(1); SBL version: BOOT.XF.0.3-00077-IPQ60xxLZB-2
(2) Final version: soc_id: IPQ6000; fuse: BIT(1); SBL version: BOOT.XF.0.3-00086-IPQ60xxLZB-1
The soc_id is related to the sbl version, but it is written by the
manufacturer. On the qsdk kernel, early version could reach 1.5GHz,
while the final version was limited to 1.2GHz.
So I think the commit message can be written like below:
arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: add 1.2GHz CPU Frequency
The final version of IPQ6000 (soc id: IPQ6000, SBL version:
BOOT.XF.0.3-00086-IPQ60xxLZB-1) has a max design frequency
of 1.2GHz, so add this CPU frequency.
arm64: dts: qcom: ipq6018: add 1.5GHz CPU Frequency
The early version of IPQ6000 (soc id: IPQ6018, SBL version:
BOOT.XF.0.3-00086-IPQ60xxLZB-1) and IPQ6005 SoCs can reach
a max frequency of 1.5GHz, so add this CPU frequency.
Do you think this is appropriate?