[PATCH v2] scripts: Remove export_report.pl

From: Matthew Maurer
Date: Wed Oct 30 2024 - 13:21:01 EST

This script has been broken for 5 years with no user complaints.

It first had its .mod.c parser broken in commit a3d0cb04f7df ("modpost:
use __section in the output to *.mod.c"). Later, it had its object file
enumeration broken in commit f65a486821cf ("kbuild: change module.order
to list *.o instead of *.ko"). Both of these changes sat for years with
no reports.

Rather than reviving this script as we make further changes to `.mod.c`,
this patch gets rid of it because it is clearly unused.

Signed-off-by: Matthew Maurer <mmaurer@xxxxxxxxxx>
Changes in v2:
- Remove references to export_report from Makefile
- Link to v1: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20241029-remove-export-report-pl-v1-1-9cd6ccf93493@xxxxxxxxxx
Makefile | 6 +-
scripts/export_report.pl | 186 -----------------------------------------------
2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 191 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index f554430954deebd56ede882f81a541ebc42f1937..5333b3f8a1a916d70614d6d125dc383b2a47bb34 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1620,7 +1620,6 @@ help:
@echo ' with a stack size larger than MINSTACKSIZE (default: 100)'
@echo ' versioncheck - Sanity check on version.h usage'
@echo ' includecheck - Check for duplicate included header files'
- @echo ' export_report - List the usages of all exported symbols'
@echo ' headerdep - Detect inclusion cycles in headers'
@echo ' coccicheck - Check with Coccinelle'
@echo ' clang-analyzer - Check with clang static analyzer'
@@ -2033,7 +2032,7 @@ endif
# Scripts to check various things for consistency
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

-PHONY += includecheck versioncheck coccicheck export_report
+PHONY += includecheck versioncheck coccicheck

find $(srctree)/* $(RCS_FIND_IGNORE) \
@@ -2048,9 +2047,6 @@ versioncheck:
$(Q)$(BASH) $(srctree)/scripts/$@

- $(PERL) $(srctree)/scripts/export_report.pl
PHONY += checkstack kernelrelease kernelversion image_name

# UML needs a little special treatment here. It wants to use the host
diff --git a/scripts/export_report.pl b/scripts/export_report.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index feb3d5542a62d90b7af4f041d98a3c4b5ac386c0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/export_report.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
-# (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2006.
-# Author : Ram Pai (linuxram@xxxxxxxxxx)
-# Usage: export_report.pl -k Module.symvers [-o report_file ] -f *.mod.c
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Std;
-use strict;
-sub numerically {
- my $no1 = (split /\s+/, $a)[1];
- my $no2 = (split /\s+/, $b)[1];
- return $no1 <=> $no2;
-sub alphabetically {
- my ($module1, $value1) = @{$a};
- my ($module2, $value2) = @{$b};
- return $value1 <=> $value2 || $module2 cmp $module1;
-sub print_depends_on {
- my ($href) = @_;
- print "\n";
- for my $mod (sort keys %$href) {
- my $list = $href->{$mod};
- print "\t$mod:\n";
- foreach my $sym (sort numerically @{$list}) {
- my ($symbol, $no) = split /\s+/, $sym;
- printf("\t\t%-25s\n", $symbol);
- }
- print "\n";
- }
- print "\n";
- print "~"x80 , "\n";
-sub usage {
- print "Usage: @_ -h -k Module.symvers [ -o outputfile ] \n",
- "\t-f: treat all the non-option argument as .mod.c files. ",
- "Recommend using this as the last option\n",
- "\t-h: print detailed help\n",
- "\t-k: the path to Module.symvers file. By default uses ",
- "the file from the current directory\n",
- "\t-o outputfile: output the report to outputfile\n";
- exit 0;
-sub collectcfiles {
- my @file;
- open my $fh, '< modules.order' or die "cannot open modules.order: $!\n";
- while (<$fh>) {
- s/\.ko$/.mod.c/;
- push (@file, $_)
- }
- close($fh);
- chomp @file;
- return @file;
-my (%SYMBOL, %MODULE, %opt, @allcfiles);
-if (not getopts('hk:o:f',\%opt) or defined $opt{'h'}) {
- usage($0);
-if (defined $opt{'f'}) {
- @allcfiles = @ARGV;
-} else {
- @allcfiles = collectcfiles();
-if (not defined $opt{'k'}) {
- $opt{'k'} = "Module.symvers";
-open (my $module_symvers, '<', $opt{'k'})
- or die "Sorry, cannot open $opt{'k'}: $!\n";
-if (defined $opt{'o'}) {
- open (my $out, '>', $opt{'o'})
- or die "Sorry, cannot open $opt{'o'} $!\n";
- select $out;
-# collect all the symbols and their attributes from the
-# Module.symvers file
-while ( <$module_symvers> ) {
- chomp;
- my (undef, $symbol, $module, $gpl, $namespace) = split('\t');
- $SYMBOL { $symbol } = [ $module , "0" , $symbol, $gpl];
-# collect the usage count of each symbol.
-my $modversion_warnings = 0;
-foreach my $thismod (@allcfiles) {
- my $module;
- unless (open ($module, '<', $thismod)) {
- warn "Sorry, cannot open $thismod: $!\n";
- next;
- }
- my $state=0;
- while ( <$module> ) {
- chomp;
- if ($state == 0) {
- $state = 1 if ($_ =~ /static const struct modversion_info/);
- next;
- }
- if ($state == 1) {
- $state = 2 if ($_ =~ /__attribute__\(\(section\("__versions"\)\)\)/);
- next;
- }
- if ($state == 2) {
- if ( $_ !~ /0x[0-9a-f]+,/ ) {
- next;
- }
- my $sym = (split /([,"])/,)[4];
- my ($module, $value, $symbol, $gpl) = @{$SYMBOL{$sym}};
- $SYMBOL{ $sym } = [ $module, $value+1, $symbol, $gpl];
- push(@{$MODULE{$thismod}} , $sym);
- }
- }
- if ($state != 2) {
- warn "WARNING:$thismod is not built with CONFIG_MODVERSIONS enabled\n";
- $modversion_warnings++;
- }
- close($module);
-print "\tThis file reports the exported symbols usage patterns by in-tree\n",
- "\t\t\t\tmodules\n";
-printf("SECTION 1: Usage counts of all exported symbols\n");
-printf("SECTION 2: List of modules and the exported symbols they use\n");
-printf("SECTION 1:\tThe exported symbols and their usage count\n\n");
-printf("%-25s\t%-25s\t%-5s\t%-25s\n", "Symbol", "Module", "Usage count",
- "export type");
-# print the list of unused exported symbols
-foreach my $list (sort alphabetically values(%SYMBOL)) {
- my ($module, $value, $symbol, $gpl) = @{$list};
- printf("%-25s\t%-25s\t%-10s\t", $symbol, $module, $value);
- if (defined $gpl) {
- printf("%-25s\n",$gpl);
- } else {
- printf("\n");
- }
-printf("SECTION 2:\n\tThis section reports export-symbol-usage of in-kernel
-modules. Each module lists the modules, and the symbols from that module that
-it uses. Each listed symbol reports the number of modules using it\n");
-print "\nNOTE: Got $modversion_warnings CONFIG_MODVERSIONS warnings\n\n"
- if $modversion_warnings;
-print "~"x80 , "\n";
-for my $thismod (sort keys %MODULE) {
- my $list = $MODULE{$thismod};
- my %depends;
- $thismod =~ s/\.mod\.c/.ko/;
- print "\t\t\t$thismod\n";
- foreach my $symbol (@{$list}) {
- my ($module, $value, undef, $gpl) = @{$SYMBOL{$symbol}};
- push (@{$depends{"$module"}}, "$symbol $value");
- }
- print_depends_on(\%depends);

base-commit: 6fb2fa9805c501d9ade047fc511961f3273cdcb5
change-id: 20241029-remove-export-report-pl-7365c6ca3bee

Best regards,
Matthew Maurer <mmaurer@xxxxxxxxxx>