Re: [PATCH v4 2/5] iommu/vt-d: Remove the pasid present check in prq_event_thread

From: Baolu Lu
Date: Wed Oct 30 2024 - 23:43:12 EST

On 10/30/24 22:28, Joel Granados wrote:
diff --git a/drivers/iommu/intel/svm.c b/drivers/iommu/intel/svm.c
index 078d1e32a24e..ff88f31053d1 100644
--- a/drivers/iommu/intel/svm.c
+++ b/drivers/iommu/intel/svm.c
@@ -304,9 +304,6 @@ void intel_drain_pasid_prq(struct device *dev, u32
int qdep;

info = dev_iommu_priv_get(dev);
- if (WARN_ON(!info || !dev_is_pci(dev)))
- return;
Did you mean to take out both checks?:
1. The info pointer check
2. the dev_is_pci check

I can understand the dev_is_pci check, but we should definitely take
action if info is NULL. Right?

WARN_ON(!info) is duplicate as far as I can see. Accessing
info->pri_enable when info is NULL will cause a null pointer dereference
warning. This appears irrelevant to this patch though.

if (!info->pri_enabled)

Generally, intel_drain_pasid_prq() should be called if

- a translation is removed from a pasid entry; and
This is the path that is already mentiond

- PRI on this device is enabled.
And this path is:
-> intel_iommu_enable_iopf
-> context_flip_pri
-> intel_context_flush_present
-> qi_flush_pasid_cache


Sorry that I didn't make it clear. It should be "PRI on this device was
enabled", a.k.a. info->pri_enabled is true. I didn't meant to say in the
PRI enabling path.
