Re: [PATCH v2 2/6] arm/dts: Add common device tree for Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 series

From: Mithil Bavishi
Date: Thu Oct 31 2024 - 06:42:01 EST

> well, that takes time, I wanted to start that on the right thing.

Yes indeed, I'll be more careful the next time, again sorry for the
trouble, I am not used to the process of mailing lists and may have done
some mistakes there as well.

> 1. make dtbs shows warnings

> 2. make CHECK_DTBS=y ti/omap/omap4-samsung-espresso7.dtb is too noisy
> (probably same for espresso10).

> a lot comes from the dtsi files, so you need to ignore a lot, probably
> either strip down the new dts to almost nothing besides dtsi includes
> to determine the background noise or take a similar device, redirect
> output and errors, diff that output with the full devicetree.
> I am trying to clean that dtsi warning mess up, linux-next shows a lot
> less warnings but that takes time.

Oh, I was not aware of such tool, ran it and yeah there are a ton of
warnings, where can I ask for assitance if I need it while fixing them.

> One of the warnings that should be fixed:
> dts/ti/omap/omap4-samsung-espresso7.dtb: lvds-encoder: compatible:
> 'oneOf' conditional failed, one must be fixed: ['lvds-encoder'] is too
> short 'lvds-encoder' is not one of ['ti,ds90c185', 'ti,ds90c187',
> 'ti,sn75lvds83'] 'lvds-encoder' is not one of ['ti,ds90cf364a',
> 'ti,ds90cf384a', 'ti,sn65lvds94'] 'lvds-encoder' is not one of
> ['thine,thc63lvdm83d'] from schema $id:

Ah right, I have to add the encoder (doestek, dtc34lm85am) in bindings and
in vendor, this patchset may grow too big I assume.

Best Regards,