Re: [PATCH v4 06/10] ASoC: sun4i-codec: Add DMA Max Burst field
From: Mark Brown
Date: Thu Oct 31 2024 - 10:27:50 EST
On Thu, Oct 31, 2024 at 01:35:32PM +0100, Csókás, Bence wrote:
> From: Mesih Kilinc <mesihkilinc@xxxxxxxxx>
> Allwinner suniv F1C100s has similar DMA engine to sun4i but it has
> smaller max burst size compared to sun4i. Add a quirk field to
> differantitate between them.
You've not copied me on the rest of the series so I don't know what's
going on with dependencies. When sending a patch series it is important
to ensure that all the various maintainers understand what the
relationship between the patches as the expecation is that there will be
interdependencies. Either copy everyone on the whole series or at least
copy them on the cover letter and explain what's going on. If there are
no strong interdependencies then it's generally simplest to just send
the patches separately to avoid any possible confusion.
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