Re: [PATCH v8 06/10] iommu/amd: Modify set_dte_entry() to use 256-bit DTE helpers

From: Suthikulpanit, Suravee
Date: Fri Nov 01 2024 - 11:03:11 EST

On 11/1/2024 7:10 PM, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
On Thu, Oct 31, 2024 at 06:42:39PM +0000, Suravee Suthikulpanit wrote:
+struct dev_table_entry *amd_iommu_get_ivhd_dte_flags(u16 segid, u16 devid)
+ struct ivhd_dte_flags *e;
+ unsigned int best_len = UINT_MAX;
+ struct dev_table_entry *dte = NULL;
+ for_each_ivhd_dte_flags(e) {
+ /*
+ * Need to go through the whole list to find the smallest range,
+ * which contains the devid.
+ */
+ if ((e->segid == segid) &&
+ (e->devid_first >= devid) &&
+ (e->devid_last <= devid)) {

Again, I don't know much about this format, but are you sure about
this logic? Consider:

e->devid_first = 10
devid = 12
e->devid_last = 15

(e->devid_first >= devid) == 10 >= 12 == FALSE
(e->devid_last <= devid) == 15 <= 12 == FALSE


It seems to me it does not do what the comment says? Compare to the
version I sent in my last email

Ah, sorry again for this stupid mistake. You are correct. Thank you very much for catching this. I am sending V9 with only the fix for this.
