Re: [PATCH 0/5] *** Introduce new space allocation algorithm ***
From: Stephen Zhang
Date: Sun Nov 03 2024 - 20:50:17 EST
Hi all,
I just send the scripts to test these series here.
zhangshida <starzhangzsd@xxxxxxxxx> 于2024年11月4日周一 09:44写道:
> From: Shida Zhang <zhangshida@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Hi all,
> Recently, we've been encounter xfs problems from our two
> major users continuously.
> They are all manifested as the same phonomenon: a xfs
> filesystem can't touch new file when there are nearly
> half of the available space even with sparse inode enabled.
> It turns out that the filesystem is too fragmented to have
> enough continuous free space to create a new file.
> Life still has to goes on.
> But from our users' perspective, worse than the situation
> that xfs is hard to use is that xfs is non-able to use,
> since even one single file can't be created now.
> So we try to introduce a new space allocation algorithm to
> solve this.
> To achieve that, we try to propose a new concept:
> Allocation Fields, where its name is borrowed from the
> mathmatical concepts(Groups,Rings,Fields), will be
> abbrivated as AF in the rest of the article.
> what is a AF?
> An one-pic-to-say-it-all version of explaination:
> |<--------+ af 0 +-------->|<--+ af 1 +-->| af 2|
> |------------------------------------------------+
> | ag 0 | ag 1 | ag 2 | ag 3| ag 4 | ag 5 | ag 6 |
> +------------------------------------------------+
> A text-based definition of AF:
> 1.An AF is a incore-only concept comparing with the on-disk
> AG concept.
> 2.An AF is consisted of a continuous series of AGs.
> 3.Lower AFs will NEVER go to higher AFs for allocation if
> it can complete it in the current AF.
> Rule 3 can serve as a barrier between the AF to slow down
> the over-speed extending of fragmented pieces.
> With these patches applied, the code logic will be exactly
> the same as the original code logic, unless you run with the
> extra mount opiton. For example:
> mount -o af1=1 $dev $mnt
> That will change the default AF layout:
> |<--------+ af 0 +--------->|
> |----------------------------
> | ag 0 | ag 1 | ag 2 | ag 3 |
> +----------------------------
> to :
> |<-----+ af 0 +----->|<af 1>|
> |----------------------------
> | ag 0 | ag 1 | ag 2 | ag 3 |
> +----------------------------
> So the 'af1=1' here means the start agno is one ag away from
> the m_sb.agcount.
> We did some tests verify it. You can verify it yourself
> by running the following the command:
> 1. Create an 1g sized img file and formated it as xfs:
> dd if=/dev/zero of=test.img bs=1M count=1024
> mkfs.xfs -f test.img
> sync
> 2. Make a mount directory:
> mkdir mnt
> 3. Run the script, which will call another scripts
> These scripts will be attached in the mail.
> To enable the AF, run:
> ./ 1
> To disable the AF, run:
> ./ 0
> Please feel free to communicate with us if you have any thoughts
> about these problems.
> Cheers,
> Shida
> Shida Zhang (5):
> xfs: add two wrappers for iterating ags in a AF
> xfs: add two mp member to record the alloction field layout
> xfs: add mount options as a way to change the AF layout
> xfs: add infrastructure to support AF allocation algorithm
> xfs: modify the logic to comply with AF rules
> fs/xfs/libxfs/xfs_ag.h | 17 ++++++++++++
> fs/xfs/libxfs/xfs_alloc.c | 20 ++++++++++++++-
> fs/xfs/libxfs/xfs_alloc.h | 2 ++
> fs/xfs/libxfs/xfs_bmap.c | 47 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
> fs/xfs/libxfs/xfs_bmap_btree.c | 2 ++
> fs/xfs/xfs_mount.h | 3 +++
> fs/xfs/xfs_super.c | 12 ++++++++-
> 7 files changed, 99 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
> --
> 2.33.0
Description: application/shellscript
Description: application/shellscript