Re: [PATCH tty-next v3 1/6] serial: 8250: Adjust the timeout for FIFO mode

From: Jiri Slaby
Date: Mon Nov 04 2024 - 01:34:40 EST

On 31. 10. 24, 5:44, Maciej W. Rozycki wrote:
On Wed, 30 Oct 2024, Jiri Slaby wrote:

@@ -3306,13 +3310,18 @@ static void serial8250_console_restore(struct
uart_8250_port *up)
static void serial8250_console_fifo_write(struct uart_8250_port *up,
const char *s, unsigned int count)
- int i;
const char *end = s + count;
unsigned int fifosize = up->tx_loadsz;
+ unsigned int tx_count = 0;
bool cr_sent = false;
+ unsigned int i;
while (s != end) {
- wait_for_lsr(up, UART_LSR_THRE);
+ /* Allow timeout for each byte of a possibly full FIFO. */
+ for (i = 0; i < fifosize; i++) {
+ if (wait_for_lsr(up, UART_LSR_THRE))
+ break;
+ }

THRE only signals there is a space for one character.


"In the FIFO mode, THRE is set when the transmit FIFO is empty; it is
cleared when at least one byte is written to the transmit FIFO."

Hmm, I was confused by NXP's 16c650b [1] datasheet then (or I cannot parse):
The THR empty flag in the LSR register will be set to a logic 1 when the transmitter is empty or when data is transferred to the TSR. Note that a write operation can be performed when the THR empty flag is set
(logic 0 = FIFO full; logic 1 = at least one FIFO location available).

But indeed in the LSR[5] bit description, they state:
In the FIFO mode, this bit is set when the transmit FIFO is
empty; it is cleared when at least 1 byte is written to the transmit FIFO.

Anyway, it still does not answer the original question: Instead of looping fifosize multiplied by random timeout, can we re-use port->frame_time?

[1] SC16C650B -- 5 V, 3.3 V and 2.5 V UART with 32-byte FIFOs and infrared (IrDA) encoder/decoder; Rev. 04 — 14 September 2009; Product data sheet

+ /* Allow timeout for each byte written. */
+ for (i = 0; i < tx_count; i++) {
+ if (wait_for_lsr(up, UART_LSR_THRE))

This ensures you sent one character from the FIFO. The FIFO still can contain
plenty of them. Did you want UART_LSR_TEMT?

The difference between THRE and TEMT is the state of the shift register

"In the FIFO mode, TEMT is set when the transmitter FIFO and shift
register are both empty."

Sure. The question still holds:

> But what's the purpose of spinning _here_? The kernel can run and FIFO too. Without the kernel waiting for the FIFO.

If we want to wait for fifo to empty, why not *also* the TSR. Meaning:

> Did you want UART_LSR_TEMT?

suse labs