Re: [PATCH v2] sound: fix uninit-value in i2s_dma_isr

From: Mark Brown
Date: Mon Nov 04 2024 - 07:41:53 EST

On Sat, Nov 02, 2024 at 06:06:30PM +0530, Suraj Sonawane wrote:
> Fix an issue detected by the Smatch tool:
> sound/soc/bcm/bcm63xx-pcm-whistler.c:264 i2s_dma_isr()
> error: uninitialized symbol 'val_1'.
> sound/soc/bcm/bcm63xx-pcm-whistler.c:264 i2s_dma_isr()
> error: uninitialized symbol 'val_2'.

Please submit patches using subject lines reflecting the style for the
subsystem, this makes it easier for people to identify relevant patches.
Look at what existing commits in the area you're changing are doing and
make sure your subject lines visually resemble what they're doing.
There's no need to resubmit to fix this alone.

Please don't send new patches in reply to old patches or serieses, this
makes it harder for both people and tools to understand what is going
on - it can bury things in mailboxes and make it difficult to keep track
of what current patches are, both for the new patches and the old ones.

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