Re: [PATCH v2] wifi: nl80211: fix bounds checker error in nl80211_parse_sched_scan

From: Aleksei Vetrov
Date: Mon Nov 04 2024 - 13:21:17 EST

On Mon, Nov 04, 2024 at 09:12:09AM -0800, Jeff Johnson wrote:
> Reviewed-by: Jeff Johnson <quic_jjohnson@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> And it is exactly this kind of issue why I'm not accepting any __counted_by()
> changes in ath.git without actually testing the code that is modified.

However, I was really lucky that my setup used nl80211_parse_sched_scan
during normal operations and triggered bound sanitizer. After the patch
was developed, I accidently wiped my device and couldn't reproduce the
bug again normally, so I had to use iw tool to trigger
nl80211_parse_sched_scan manually to test it properly.

I looked for some tests that cover this function and that I can run on
the device, but couldn't find any. It would be nice if you know about
such tests, so I can check if there are any other places where bound
sanitizer may be triggered. I only know syzkaller tool that may be used
to get more kernel coverage in general.

Best regards,
Aleksei Vetrov