Re: [PATCH v10 00/27] Enable CET Virtualization

From: Yang, Weijiang
Date: Tue Nov 05 2024 - 20:46:23 EST

On 11/6/2024 2:25 AM, Edgecombe, Rick P wrote:
On Mon, 2024-05-06 at 17:31 +0800, Yang, Weijiang wrote:
A decent number of comments, but almost all of them are quite minor.  The
open is how to handle save/restore of SSP from userspace.

Instead of spinning a full v10, maybe send an RFC for KVM_{G,S}ET_ONE_REG
OK, I'll send an RFC patch after relevant discussion is settled.

That will make it easier to review, and if you delay v11 a bit, I should be
to get various series applied that have minor conflicts/dependencies, e.g.
MSR access and the kvm_host series.
I can wait until the series landed in x86-kvm tree.
Appreciated for your review and comments!
It looks like this series is very close. Since this v10, there was some
discussion on the FPU part that seemed settled:

Hi, Rick,
I have an internal branch to hold a v11 candidate for this series, which resolved Sean's comments
for this v10, waiting for someone to take over and continue the upstream work.

Then there was also some discussion on the synthetic MSR solution, which seemed
prescriptive enough:

Weijiang, had you started a v2 on the synthetic MSR series? Where did you get to
on incorporating the other small v10 feedback?

Yes, Sean's review feedback for v1 is also included in my above v11 candidate.